It Might Not Be That Bad

Lyrics and music © 2015 by Tom Toce

It might not be that bad.
It might not be that bad.
Before you start to count your days,
it might not be that bad.

The lab results aren't vague.
They say you've got the plague.
But praise the skies and Thomas Bayes,
it might not be that bad.

Because the plague doesn't happen all that much,
and no test's error free.
You'd be amazed what that can mean,
to the likes of you and me!

It might not be that bad.
It might not be that bad.
Believe me, you should count the ways.
It might not be that bad.

The accuracy of the test may be ninety-nine percent.
What are the odds you won't be around to pay next month's rent?

They might not be that bad.
It might not be that bad.
Before you start to count your days,
it might not be that bad!
One more fact you need to bring: 
The plague is a one in a million kind of thing!

A million tests they do.
Ten thousand say boo-hoo.
But most are false and that is why,
it might not be that bad.

Because baby, it's ten thousand to one
you haven't got the plague!

It might not be that bad.
It might not be that bad.

Believe me, you should count the ways,
it might not be that bad!
It might not be that bad!