Literature Index

Displaying 1671 - 1680 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Jane E. Miller
    Tables and charts are efficient tools for organizing numbers, but many people give little consideration to the order in which they present the data. This article illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of four criteria for organizing data - empirical, theoretical, alphabetical and a standardized reporting scheme.
  • Author(s):
    Farida Kachapova and Ilias Kachapov
    Two improvements in teaching linear regression are suggested. The first is to include the<br><br>population regression model at the beginning of the topic. The second is to use a geometric<br><br>approach: to interpret the regression estimate as an orthogonal projection and the estimation<br><br>error as the distance (which is minimized by the projection). Linear regression in finance is<br><br>described as an example of practical applications of the population regression model.<br><br>The paper also describes a geometric approach to teaching the topic of finding an optimal<br><br>portfolio in financial mathematics. The approach is to express the optimal portfolio through<br><br>an orthogonal projection in Euclidean space. This allows replacing the traditional solution of<br><br>the problem with a geometric solution, so the proof of the result is merely a reference to the<br><br>basic properties of orthogonal projection. This method improves the teaching of the topic by<br><br>avoiding tedious technical details of the traditional solution such as Lagrange multipliers and<br><br>partial derivatives. The described method is illustrated by two numerical examples
  • Author(s):
    E. Viles
    In this article I present an activity introducing statistical concepts to engineering students to help them develop inductive reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • Author(s):
    Pearce, C. E. M.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., &amp; Dawkins, B. P.
    In South Australia mathematics students typically have had considerable exposure to calculus but little to probability on entering university. The amount of probability in school syllabuses has decreased, and our first year university students often associate the subject with fatuous but intricate examples. Some undertake a first year statistics subject, but many will come to a first course in applied probability/stochastic processes in second year applied mathematics without that background. They are ill at lease with any second year applied mathematics courses not based on calculus (forgetting the effort with which the comfort with calculus was won!) and will often demand evidence of meaningful applicability at an early stage. This creates some challenge and necessitates an examination of one's teaching philosophy.
  • Author(s):
    Wilensky, U.
    Formal methods abound in the teaching of probability and statistics. In the Connected Probability project, we explore ways for learners to develop their intuitive conceptions of core probability concepts. This article presents a case study of a learner engaged with a probability paradox. Through engaging with this paradoxical problem, she develops stronger intuitions about notions of randomness and distribution and the connections between them. The case illustrates a Connected Mathematics approach: that primary obstacles to learning probability are conceptual and epistemological; that engagement with paradox can be a powerful means of motivating learners to overcome these obstacles; that overcoming these obstacles involves learners making mathematics--not learning a "received" mathematics and that, through programming computational models, learners can more powerfully express and refine their mathematical understandings.
  • Author(s):
    Mitchem, J.
    This article presents two major paradoxical examples of one of the simplest statistics, the "average".
  • Author(s):
    Moore, T. L.
    Johnson, R. W.
    I selected a simple random sample of 100 movies from the Movie and Video Guide (1996), by Leonard Maltin. My intent was to obtain some basic information on the population of roughly 19,000 movies through a small sample. In exploring the data, I discovered that it exhibited two paradoxes about a three-variable relationship: (1) A non-transitivity paradox for positive correlation, and (2) Simpson?s paradox. Giving concrete examples of these two paradoxes in an introductory course gives to students a sense of the nuances involved in describing associations in observational studies.
  • Author(s):
    &Ouml;d&ouml;n Vancs&oacute;
    The purpose of this paper is to report on the conception and some results of a long-term<br>university research project in Budapest. The study is based on an innovative idea of teaching the basic notions<br>of classical and Bayesian inferential statistics parallel to each other to teacher students. Our research is driven<br>by questions like: Do students understand probability and statistical methods better by focussing on<br>subjective and objective interpretations of probability throughout the course? Do they understand classical<br>inferential statistics better if they study Bayesian ways, too? While the course on probability and statistics has<br>been avoided for years, the students are starting to accept the "parallel" design. There is evidence that they<br>understand the concepts better in this way. The results also support the thesis that students' views and beliefs<br>on mathematics decisively influence work in their later profession. Finally, the design of the course integrates<br>reflections on philosophical problems as well, which enhances a wider picture about modern mathematics and<br>its applications.
  • Author(s):
    Ben-Zvi, D.
    C. Batanero, G. Burrill, C. Reading & A. Rossman
  • Author(s):
    A. Alexander Beaujean, Susan Cooper-Twamley
    While bootstrapping is a computationally intensive procedure, teaching about the concept does not necessarily require any more technology than a simple calculator. This article describes an interactive teaching approach for introducing bootstrapping without using a statistics program or a computer.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education