Literature Index

Displaying 1511 - 1520 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Boris Handal and Anthony Herrington
    This paper discusses the role of mathematics teachers' beliefs and their impact on<br>curriculum reform. It is argued that teachers' beliefs about the teaching and<br>learning mathematics are critical in determining the pace of curriculum reform.<br>Educational change is a complex process in which teachers hold strong beliefs<br>about the quality and the process of innovation. Curriculum implementation may<br>only occur through sufferance as many teachers are suspicious of reform in<br>mathematics education given its equivocal success over the past decades. It is not<br>surprising then that many teachers, when they come to enact the curriculum in<br>their classes, rely more on their own beliefs than on current trends in pedagogy.<br>These beliefs, conservative as they might be, have their own rationality in the<br>practical and daily nature of the teaching profession, and in the compelling<br>influence of educational systems from which these teachers are paradoxically the<br>social product. The literature indicates that many of these teachers hold<br>behaviourist beliefs, a fact that has strong implications for the success of<br>constructivist-oriented curriculum reform. In general, studies of teachers'<br>pedagogical beliefs reveal the extreme complexity of bringing about educational<br>change, and largely explains the failure of many past reform endeavours.
  • Author(s):
    Liu, Y., Thompson, P. W.
    Hypothesis testing is one of the key concepts in statistics, yet it is also one of the least understood concepts. The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' understandings of hypothesis testing, in an effort to generate insights in ways of supporting teachers' learning and enhancing teachers' capacity in designing effective strategies for teaching hypothesis testing. To this end, we conducted a professional development seminar and interviews with 8 high school statistics teachers in 2001 in Southeast US, in which we attempted to unpack the difficulties and conceptual obstacles teachers encountered as they tried to conduct or make sense of hypothesis testing. We found that teachers' difficulties in understanding and employing hypothesis testing were expressed in their non-stochastic conceptions of probability, their lack of understanding of the logic of indirect argument, and them not having conceived of hypothesis testing as a tool for making statistical inference. We conclude the article by offering promising pedagogical approaches for developing a deep and coherent understanding of hypothesis testing.
  • Author(s):
    Cobb, G. W., &amp; Moore, D. S.
    How does statistical thinking differ from mathematical thinking? What is the role of mathematics in statistics? If you purge statistics of its mathematical content, what intellectual substance remains? In what follows, we offer some answers to these questions and relate them to a sequence of examples that provide an overview of current statistical practice. Along the way, and especially toward the end, we point to some implications for the teaching of statistics.
  • Author(s):
    Cartwright, L., &amp; Wallace, T.
    This manual designed for grade 3 is part of a series for a program to integrate the teaching and learning of mathematical and computer concepts and skills in the elementary school. The manual contains 20 lessons. Each lesson includes information on the topic, suggested grade level, mathematics concepts and skills, objective, prerequisite skills needed, and activities. Topics contained in the lessons include: (1) problem solving; (2) geometry; (3) numbers; (4) measurement; (5) number concepts; (6) addition; (7) time; (8) LOGO; (9) division; (10) fractions; and (11) probability, statistics, and graphing. Software programs used for the activities are specified for each lesson. (KR)
  • Author(s):
    Lindsey, S., &amp; Pitts, H.
    This manual designed for grade 5 is part of a series for a program to integrate the teaching and learning of mathematical and computer concepts and skills in the elementary school. The manual contains 27 lessons. Each lesson includes information on the topic, suggested grade level, mathematics concepts and skills, objective, prerequisite skills needed, and activities. Topics contained in the lessons include: (1) problem solving; (2) geometry; (3) numbers; (4) number concepts; (5) statistics; (6) measurement; and (7) probability, statistics, and graphing. Software programs used for the activities are specified for each lesson. (KR)
  • Author(s):
    Martin Griffiths
    For many students meeting, say, the gamma distribution for the first time, it may well turn out to be a rather fruitless encounter unless they are immediately able to see an application of this probability model to some real-life situation. With this in mind, we pose here an appealing problem that can be used as the basis for a workshop activity introducing, and subsequently encouraging the exploration of, many of the well-known continuous distributions in a meaningful way. We provide suggestions as to how the session might be run, discuss any pedagogical issues that arise and highlight particularly interesting features of the distributions.
  • Author(s):
    Broca, D. S.
    This article shows how the use of factorial moments provides a simple, consistent yet elegant approach to finding the mean dn variance of standard discrete probability distributions.
  • Author(s):
    Korithoski, T. P., &amp; Korithoski, P. A.
    This article describes actitivies that can be used to teach elementary school students about the concept of the arithmetic mean.
  • Author(s):
    Melinda Miller Holt and Stephen M. Scariano
    The classroom activity described here allows mathematically mature students to explore the role of mean, median and mode in a decision-making environment. While students discover the importance of choosing a measure of central tendency, their understanding of probability distributions, maximization, and prediction is reinforced through active learning. The lesson incorporates the GAISE recommendations by actively engaging students in the process of statistical problem-solving in a realistic situation.
  • Author(s):
    von Hippel, P. T.
    Stephenson, W. R.
    Many textbooks teach a rule of thumb stating that the mean is right of the median under right skew, and left of the median under left skew. This rule fails with surprising frequency. It can fail in multimodal distributions, or in distributions where one tail is long but the other is heavy. Most commonly, though, the rule fails in discrete distributions where the areas to the left and right of the median are not equal. Such distributions not only contradict the textbook relationship between mean, median, and skew, they also contradict the textbook interpretation of the median. We discuss ways to correct ideas about mean, median, and skew, while enhancing the desired intuition.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education