Literature Index

Displaying 1561 - 1570 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Zieffler, A., & Garfield, J.
    This students examined students' development of reasoning about quantitative bivariate data during a one-semester university-level introductory statistics course. There were three research questions of interest: (1) What is the nature, or pattern of change in students' development in reasoning about bivariate data?; (2) Is the sequencing of bivariate data within a course associated with changes in the pattern of change in students' reasoning about bivariate data?; and (3) Are changes in students' reasoning about the foundational concepts of distribution associated with changes in the pattern of development of students' reasoning about bivariate data?<br>Students' covariational and distributional reasoning were measured four times during four sections of an introductory statistics course using instruments developed by the NSF-funded ARTIST project. Two instructors were used as blocks to randomly assign each of four sections of the course to one of two different instructional sequences.<br>Data were analyzed using linear mixed-effects model (LMM) methodology. The results of the analyses suggest that students tend to exibit both linear and quadratic rates of change in their development of covariational reasoning. The results also suggest that the instructional sequence did not have a statistically significant effect of development of reasoning. There was some evidence that students' development of reasoning about univariate distribution was significantly positively related to the quadratic rate of development of their reasoning about bivariate data.
  • Author(s):
    Caroni, C.
    A data set containing n = 210 observations and published by Lieblein and Zelen (1956) provides a useful example of multiple linear regression applied to an engineering problem. It relates percentiles of the failure time distribution for ball bearings to characteristics of the bearings (load, ball diameter, number of balls) in a theoretically derived equation that can be put into linear form. The analysis requires testing the equality of regression coefficients between manufacturers and between types of ball bearing within manufacturer to see if the same equation applies across the industry. Furthermore, there is special interest in confirming an accepted value for one of these coefficients. The original analysis employed weighted least squares, although this may have been unnecessary. In addition to the regression aspects of the problem, the example is useful for the extensive data manipulation required.
  • Author(s):
    Moreno, J. L.
    Phillips, B.
    As statistics continues to increase its presence in the school curriculum, particularly the mathematics one, it becomes increasingly more difficult for teachers to be able to fit everything in. They complain that if statistics must be included, then something must go. One suggestion to solve their problem is to combine the topics of statistics and mathematics so that both are presented together. The NSF-funded project Data-Driven Mathematics has done precisely that. The series of eleven modules motivates mathematics topics found in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, advanced algebra, and advanced mathematics from a data point of view that involves students. This paper presents some insight as to how this may be done with the advanced mathematics topic of matrices. (See Burrill, Burrill, Landwehr, &amp; Witmer, 1998).
  • Author(s):
    Cobb, P.
    Gravemeijer, K., Lehrer, R., Oers, B. van &amp; Verschaffel, L.
    This chapter looks at symbolizing and mathematical learning from a social constuctivist perspective that is motivated by an interest in instructional design. The central theme is that of a concern for the way students actually use tools and symbols. Point of departure are analyses treat people's activity with symbols as an inegral aspect fo their mathematical reasoning rather than as external aids to it. As a consequence, the process of learning to use symbols in general, and conventional mathematical symbols in particular, is cast in terms of participation. Symbol use then seen not so much as somthing to be mastered, but qas a consituent part of the mathematical practices in which students come to participate. This view corresponds with the author's perspective, according to which it is essential to account for the mathematical learning not merely of individual students but of the classroom community taken as a unit of analysis in its own right. To account for this collective learning, the thoeretical construct of a classroom mathematical practice is introduced, which involves taken-as-shared ways of symbolizing.<br>Against this background an analysis is presented of the mathematical practices established duing a seventh-grade classroom teaching experiment that focused on statistical data analysis, that is based on RME theory. This analysis is supplemented with a description of the taden-as-shared ways in thish two computer-based analysis tools were used in the classroom, which is cast in terms of the emergence of a chain of signification. The chapter finishes with a reflection on the general notion of modeling. In connection with the notion of participation, a distinction is made between the use fo the term model in mathematical discourse, and an alternative formulation that relates to both semiotics and design theory.
  • Author(s):
    Tempelaar, D.
    Phillips, B.
    In this exploratory study, we followed approximately 1000 students (Economics and Business) in their freshman year at the University of Maastricht (Netherlands). Those students attended three compulsory courses in Quantitative Methods, each having an important component of statistics. Our population of students exhibits a strong heterogeneity with respect to several aspects: attitude towards and prior knowledge of mathematics and statistics, nationality, type of prior education and the mastery of languages. To study the impact of this heterogeneity on learning introductory statistics, the development of a model of students' learning of introductory statistics was chosen as the goal of the project. In order to develop a relational model, several surveys were taken and data sources were used with regard to the students' characteristics, learning context, students' perceptions and the approaches students took. The major contribution of this study is the broad range of different determinants of learning that is considered, which allows investigation of the interrelation between several factors influencing learning besides studying the direct impact of each factor on learning.
  • Author(s):
    Jones, G. A., Langrall, C. W., Mooney, E. S. &amp; Thornton, C. A.
    Ben-Zvi, D. &amp; Garfield, J.
    This chapter examines cognitive models of development in statistical reasoning and the role they can play in statistical education. The meaning of statistical reasoning is explored and cognitive models of development are examined. Cognitive models of development include both maturational and interactionist effects. This chapter uses a developmental model to analyze different aspects of statistical reasoning, such as, reasoning about center, spread, and association. Implications for curriculum design, instruction, and assessment are also discussed.
  • Author(s):
    Committee on Applied &amp; Theoretical Statistics, NCR
    At its August 1992 meeting in Boston, the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics (CATS) noted widespread sentiment in the statistical community that upper-level undergraduate and graduate curricula for statistics majors and postdoctoral training for statisticians are currently structured in ways that do not provide sufficient exposure to modern statistical analysis, computational and graphical tools, communication skills, and the ever-growing interdisciplinary uses of statistics. Approaches and materials once considered standard are being rethought. The growth that statistics has undergone is often not reflected in the education that future statistician receive. There is a need to incorporate more meaningfully into the curriculum the computational and graphical tools that are today so important to many professional statisticians. There is a need for improved training of statistics students in written and oral communication skills, which are crucial for effective interaction with scientists and policy makers. More realistic experience is needed in various application areas for which statistics is now a key to further progress. In response to this sentiment, CATS initiated a project on modern interdisciplinary university statistics education. With support from the National Science Foundation, CATS organized and held a one-and-one-half-day symposium on that topic in conjunction with the August 1993 San Francisco Joint Statistical Meetings. The symposium's focus was what changes in statistics education are needed to (1) incorporate interdisciplinary training into the upper-undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral statistics programs, (2) bring the upper-undergraduate and graduate statistics curricula up to date, and (3) improve apprenticing of statistics graduate and postdoctoral students and appropriately reward faculty mentors. These proceedings have been compiled to capture the timely and important presentations and discussions that took place at that symposium. It should be noted that the opinions expressed in this volume are those of the speakers of discussants and do not necessarily represent the views of CATS or of the National Research Council.
  • Author(s):
    O'Fallon, J. R., &amp; Service, J.
    O'Fallon, J. R., &amp; Service, J.
    The ASA Section on Statistical Education has been a forum for the exchange of attitudes and ideas about statistics teaching at all levels.
  • Author(s):
    Gal, I., Ginsburg, L., &amp; Schau, C.
    Gal, I., &amp; Garfiled, J.
    Students' attitudes and beliefs can impede (or assist) learning statistics, and may affect the extent to which students will develop useful statistical thinking skills and apply what they have learned outside the classroom. This chapter alerts educators to the importance of assessing student attitudes and beliefs regarding statistics, describes and evaluates different methods developed to assess where students stand in this regard, provides suggestions for using and extending existing assessments, and outlines future research and instructional needs.
  • Author(s):
    Lajoie, S. P., Lavigne, N. C., Munsie, S. D., &amp; Wilkie, T. V.
    Lajoie, S. P.
    This chapter focuses on the Authentic Statistics Project (ASP). The goal of this project is to make statistics meaningful to students in middle school, grade eight in particular, and to assess the type of progress students achieve in learning statistics.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education