Literature Index

Displaying 1141 - 1150 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Guber, D. L.
    Using data from the 1997 Digest of Education Statistics, this teaching case addresses the relationship between public school expenditures and academic performance, as measured by the SAT. While an initial scatterplot shows that SAT performance is lower, on average, in high-spending states than in low-spending states, this statistical relationship is misleading because of an omitted variable. Once the percentage of students taking the exam is controlled for, the relationship between spending and performance reverses to become both positive and statistically significant. This exercise is ideally suited for classroom discussion in an elementary statistics or research methods course, giving students an opportunity to test common assumptions made in the news media regarding equity in public school expenditures.
  • Author(s):
    Peter B.M. Vranas
    Gigerenzer has argued that it may be inappropriate to characterize some of the biases identified by Kahneman and Tversky as errors or fallacies, for three reasons: (a) according to frequentists, no norms are appropriate for single-case judgments because single-case probabilities are meaningless; (b) even if single-case probabilities make sense, they need not be governed by statistical norms because such norms are content-blind and can conflict with conversational norms; (c) conflicting statistical norms exist. I try to clear up certain misunderstandings that may have hindered progress in this debate. Gigerenzer's main point turns out to be far less extreme than the position of normative agnosticism attributed to him by Kahneman and Tversky: Gigerenzer is not denying that norms appropriate for single-case judgments exist, but is rather complaining that the existence and the nature of such norms have been dogmatically assumed by the heuristics and biases literature. In response to this complaint I argue that single-case probabilities (a) make sense and (b) are governed by probabilistic norms, and that (c) the existence of conflicting statistical norms may be less widespread and less damaging than Gigerenzer thinks.
  • Author(s):
    Miller, R. B., Behrens, J. T., & Greene, B. A.
    We examined the motivational patterns and self-regulatory activities of 119 students in introductory statistics. Toward the end of the course subjects were given a questionnaire which assessed perceived ability, goal orientation (learning and performance), valuing of statistics (intrinsic and extrinsic), and the extent to which subjects used self-regulatory activities such as goal-setting, self-monitoring, and task-appropriate cognitive strategies. Predictions from Dweck's goal orientation theory were tested. The findings were generally consistent with the theoretical predictions; however, the predicted interaction of dominant goal orientation and perceived ability failed to emerge.
  • Author(s):
    Wall, C. R.
    Discusses some of the myths surrounding grading on the curve. Provides a simple explanation of such statistical terms as histograms, relative frequency, normal distribution, mean, and standard deviation. Describes how to restructure the curve, including the program listing for a computer program that will assist the teacher. (TW)
  • Author(s):
    Pérez López, C. G., Pedroza, S. V., & Luciano, A. P.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    This work describes the use of statistics made by graduate students in the field of Educational Psychology at the National Pedagogical University, when writing their theses or dissertations in support of their candidature for a degree of professional qualification. The results show that, in general, the thesis writers used statistical analyses when their investigation required them; however, it was found that students mainly have the following difficulties: a) their choice of a suitable statistical test concerning their objective of research; b) the way of interpreting data; c) selection of the design consistent with their objectives; d) in their comprehension of the meaning of some statistical concepts; e) in their decision use of charts or graphs. Finally the work concludes by discussing the pertinence of the contents, strategies and procedures of instruction and evaluation of courses in statistics.
  • Author(s):
    Kazuhiro Aoyama & Max Stephens
    Many educators and researchers are trying to define statistical literacy for the 21st<br>century. Kimura, a Japanese science educator, has suggested that a key task of<br>statistical literacy is the ability to extract qualitative information from quantitative<br>information, and/or to create new information from qualitative and quantitative<br>information. This article presents research that offers a theoretical basis using the<br>SOLO Taxonomy to capture students' ability to create new information from<br>qualitative and quantitative information. This research shows that the "creation of<br>dimensionally new information" is a complex construct requiring further research<br>and a deeper analysis than Kimura appears to have used.
  • Author(s):
    Friel, S. N., &amp; Bright, G. W.
    Concepts such as measures of center or graphicacy can be linked to the "analyze the data" component of the statistical investigation process. While a central goal is to understand how students make use of the process of statistical investigation within the broader context of problem solving, it also is necessary that we look at students' understanding related to concepts linked to this process. This has led us to consider what it means to understand and use graphical representations as a key part of what it means to know and be able to do statistics. Specifically, we have engaged in a process of developmental research that permits examination of middle grades learning of concepts related to the use and interpretation of representations. We have looked at how such understanding changes over time and with instructional intervention provided by knowledgeable teachers in order to develop a framework both for looking at students' knowledge of graphing (in the statistical sense) and for developing a research agenda related to this area.
  • Author(s):
    Haigh, W. E.
    This article investigates two common methods of determining the line of best fit and then expands on the techniques used in these methods to find the line of best fit by graphing, estimating and using a microcomputer. (PK)
  • Author(s):
    Hillary Green
    This paper refers to a graph called grapharti which I have developed. Grapharti is designed to organise and display large amounts of data obtained from surveys, opinion polls, course/teacher evaluations, sports and the stock market. The data are retrieved from a database and displayed on a web page. The purpose of this paper is to show that grapharti can encourage exploration of and facilitate insight into large amounts of data, and thus be used as a tool in statistical education. Users of grapharti are enticed to explore the data and this in turn results in reflection on the data. With the focus on the graph and the data, the user can visualise some statistical concepts in a new manner.
  • Author(s):
    Gallimore, M.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., &amp; Dawkins, B. P.
    A hierarchical model is developing graphicacy in the primary curriculum. The model stresses the importance of a progression in graphical work. As indicated, it was not meant to be a rigid, finalised version; rather it is designed to provide an initial framework for discussion. Readers interested in teaching statistics to young children will find this article an excellent basis for developing their own curriculum plan.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
