Literature Index

Displaying 2791 - 2800 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Steinbring, H.
    Hawkins, A.
    My remarks are based on considerable experience with in-service training seminars for mathematics at secondary level 1 (grades 5 to 10).
  • Author(s):
    Lawrence M. Lesser
    There is evidence that students have prior conceptions about fairness and these conceptions appear to have the potential to interfere with the learning of statistics topics such as simulation with physical manipulatives, surveys, randomized experiments, and expected value, as well as the understanding of words such as bias or discrimination. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that statistics instructors explicitly acknowledge and take into account the role that student views of fairness play. Related to equity and fairness beliefs is the possible interaction of cultural background with the learning of specific topics, and empirical evidence (p < .01) suggests that this can happen with certain populations when using the common courtroom metaphor to illustrate hypothesis testing
  • Author(s):
    Salcedo, A.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    Statistics Education (SE) is a relatively new field of knowledge production that has rapidly evolved during the last decade. An indication of this development is the large amount of information available in the proceedings of professional meetings such as ICOTS. However, it is also a fact that only a small part of Statistics Education activities are disseminated in the Spanish language. This reduces the possibilities for Spanish speaking professors and researchers to be informed about results and advances in the field. Hipotesis Alternativa (HA), or Alternative Hypothesis, an electronic bulletin established in 2000, has been created to try to fulfill that need. The bulletin has been of great help for statistics educators in Spanish-Speaking countries. This paper presents an overview of HA accomplishments and some ideas as to the changes that could be made to improve this bulletin.
  • Author(s):
    Olsen, C.
    Davidson, R., & Swift, J.
    The set of computer programs described in the present paper have been developed since the summer of 1984 in support of a teacher outreach program administered by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey, and the Quantitative Literacy project sponsored by the American Statistical Association/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Committee on the Curriculum in Statistics and Probability. In general, the statistical techniques supported by the Nightingale programs are the Exploratory Data Analysis techniques which have appeared in Exploring Data (Landwehr & Watkins, 1986). From inception, the Nightingale Programs have been designed to support teachers who would bring statistics and EDA techniques into the classroom. The present writer has used the programs in his own statistics class at the high school level in the United States and has supported other teachers' use in science and social studies classes. They have been field tested over the past two years by students and teachers, and myriad "perfecting amendments" have been offered and taken advantage of.
  • Author(s):
    Azcarate, P., & Cardenoso, J. M.
    This communication describes the first results obtained from an exploratory study carried out with primary-school teachers about their conceptions with respect to a fundamental aspect of probabilistic knowledge: The notion of the concept of randomness. The results obtained indicate the partial and poorly formed character of their conceptions and indicate the necessity of developing specific training on probabilistic knowledge, its learning and teaching, based on the aforementioned conceptions.
  • Author(s):
    Cobb, G. W.
    Cobb attempts to make the claim that we have been too quick to dismiss the objective-format question means of assessment in statistics courses in favor of authentic assessment (e.g., projects, oral presentations, writing assignments).
  • Author(s):
    Daved M. Muttart
    Computational formulae are a throwback to a time when computers were not widely available. Today their teaching obscures important underpinnings of statistical theory and practice.
  • Author(s):
    Marsha Lovett, Oded Meyer & Candace Thille
    The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is an open educational resources project at<br>Carnegie Mellon University that began in 2002 with a grant from The William and Flora Hewlett<br>Foundation. OLI creates web-based courses that are designed so that students can learn<br>effectively without an instructor. In addition, the courses are often used by instructors to support<br>and complement face-to-face classroom instruction. Our evaluation efforts have investigated OLI<br>courses' effectiveness in both of these instructional modes - stand-alone and hybrid.<br>This report documents several learning effectiveness studies that were focused on the OLIStatistics<br>course and conducted during Fall 2005, Spring 2006, and Spring 2007. During the Fall<br>2005 and Spring 2006 studies, we collected empirical data about the instructional effectiveness of<br>the OLI-Statistics course in stand-alone mode, as compared to traditional instruction. In both of<br>these studies, in-class exam scores showed no significant difference between students in the<br>stand-alone OLI-Statistics course and students in the traditional instructor-led course. In contrast,<br>during the Spring 2007 study, we explored an accelerated learning hypothesis, namely, that<br>learners using the OLI course in hybrid mode will learn the same amount of material in a<br>significantly shorter period of time with equal learning gains, as compared to students in<br>traditional instruction. In this study, results showed that OLI-Statistics students learned a full<br>semester's worth of material in half as much time and performed as well or better than students<br>learning from traditional instruction over a full semester.
  • Author(s):
    Konold, C., Pollatsek, A., Well, A., Hendrickson, J., &amp; Lipson, A.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., &amp; Dawkins, B. P.
    This paper describes a study in which subjects were asked about various aspects of coin flipping. Many gave contradictory answers to closely-related questions. We offer two explanations for such responses: (a) switching among incompatible perspectives of uncertainty, including the outcome approach, judgment heuristics, and normative theory; and (b) reasoning via basic beliefs about coin flipping. As an example of the latter, people believe both that a coin is unpredictable and also that certain outcomes of coin flipping are more likely that others. Logically, these beliefs are not contradictory; they are, however, incomplete. Thus, contradictory statements (and statements at variance with probability theory) appear when these beliefs are applied beyond their appropriate domain.
  • Author(s):
    Piaget, J., &amp; Inhelder, B.
    Translation of La gen&eacute;se de l'id&eacute;e de hasard chez l'enfant. Piaget and Inhelder study the development of the idea of chance in children. According to them, the concept of probability as a formal set of ideas develops only during the formal operational stage, which occurs about twelve years of age. By that age, children can reason probabilistically about a variety of randomising devices. In an experiment to demonstrate that children have an intuitive understanding of the law of large numbers and that intuitive thinking about chance events starts even before they are taught, they used a game with pointers which were stuck onto cards divided into various sectors and then spun. They found the children could predict that, in the long run, the pointer would fall onto every region marked on the card.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education