Jennifer Green, Jennifer Broatch, Nicole Dalzell, Michael Jiroutek, April Kerby, David Rockoff, & Jennifer Ward
The Mentoring Program of the ASA Section on Statistics and Data Science Education connects early career statistics and data science educators at all levels with mentors to help participants achieve their professional goals. During this interactive session, we will briefly describe the program and share our experiences as both mentors and mentees. Throughout the session, attendees will share reasons why one would consider mentoring, discuss the roles of mentors and mentees, identify strategies for establishing effective mentor and mentee interactions, and consider the lifelong benefits of developing new mentoring relationships. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions and discover how to participate in the mentoring program.
Jennifer Green (Montana State University)
Jennifer Broatch (Arizona State University - New College)
Nicole Dalzell (Wake Forest)
Michael Jiroutek (Campbell University)
April Kerby (Winona State University)
David Rockoff (Smith College)
Jennifer Ward (Portland Community College)