Statistical Physics II

This course is second in the series of undergraduate Statistical Physics courses and features comprehensive lecture notes and assignments. Course topics include probability distributions for classical and quantum systems; microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical partition-functions and associated thermodynamic potentials; conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems; non-interacting Bose and Fermi gases; mean field theories for real gases, binary mixtures, magnetic systems, polymer solutions; phase and reaction equilibria, critical phenomena; fluctuations, correlation functions and susceptibilities, and Kubo formulae; evolution of distribution functions: Boltzmann and Smoluchowski equations.
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Author Name: 
Xiao-Gang Wen
Technical Requirements: 
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Source Code Available: 
Source Code Available
Intended User Role: 
Learner, Teacher
Resource Type: 
Free for All

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