Lecture Examples

  • This webpage includes teaching tips for forming groups and utilizing groups for projects.
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  • This online textbook provides information on the statistical analysis of nutritional data. Techniques covered include data cleaning, descriptive statistics, histograms, graphics, scatterplots, outlier identification, regression and correlation, confounding, and interactions. Each chapter includes exercises with real data and self-tests to be used with SPSS.
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  • This free online video program uses historical anecdotes and contemporary applications to introduce the series which "explores the vital links between statistics and our everyday world. The program also covers the evolution of the discipline."
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  • In this free online video program, "students will discover how to convert the standard normal and use the standard deviation; how to use a table of areas to compute relative frequencies; how to find any percentile; and how a computer creates a normal quartile plot to determine whether a distribution is normal. Vehicle emissions standards and medical studies of cholesterol provide real-life examples."

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  • In this free online video program, students will learn that "causation is only one of many possible explanations for an observed association. This program defines the concepts of common response and confounding, explains the use of two-way tables of percents to calculate marginal distribution, uses a segmented bar to show how to visually compare sets of conditional distributions, and presents a case of Simpson's Paradox. The relationship between smoking and lung cancer provides a clear example."
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  • In this free online video program, students will learn that "statistics can be used to evaluate anecdotal evidence. This program distinguishes between observational studies and experiments and reviews basic principles of design including comparison, randomization, and replication. Case material from the Physician's Health Study on heart disease demonstrates the advantages of a double-blind experiment."
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  • Tips for helping students to take more effective notes during lecture.
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  • This section of ARTIST contains suggestions for implementing student journals, writing assignments, and minute papers in statistics classes. Links to general references for writing assessments are included.
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  • This webpage provides an extensive list of links to free statistical calculators and statistical software packages. Descriptions are provided for some of the resources.

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  • DataCounts! is an interactive website designed to help integrate social statistics into the classroom setting. Each collection contains a wide variety of datasets that can be viewed online with WebCHIP. DataCounts! also houses a collection of teaching modules that have been created by teachers across the country to integrate social science data into their classes.
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