Lecture Examples

  • This simulation applet shows groups of confidence intervals for a given alpha based on a standard normal distribution. It shows how changes in alpha affect the proportion of confidence intervals that contain the mean. An article and an alternative source for this applet can be found at http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v6n3/applets/confidenceinterval.html.
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  • This applet allows you to explore the validity of confidence intervals on a proportion with various values for sample size (N) and population proportion (Pi). After you specify N, Pi, the level of confidence, and the number of simulations you wish to perform, the applet samples data according to your specification and computes a confidence interval for each simulation. The proportion of simulations for which the confidence interval contains Pi is recorded. If the method for constructing confidence intervals is valid, then about 95% of the 95% confidence intervals should contain Pi.
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  • A pinch of probability is worth a pound of perhaps. A quote by American humorist and cartoonist James Thurber (1894 - 1961). The quote appeared in "Such a Phrase as Drifts Through Dreams," a short story in Thurber's last book, "Lanterns and Lances", Harper Publishing, 1961. The quote also appears in "Statistically Speaking: A dictionary of quotations" compiled by Carl Gaither and Alma Cavazos-Gaither.
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  • This Web site is a course in statistics appreciation; i.e., acquiring a feeling for the statistical way of thinking. It is an introductory course in statistics that is designed to provide you with the basic concepts and methods of statistical analysis for decision making under uncertainties. Materials in this Web site are tailored to meet your needs in making good decisions by fostering statistical thinking.
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  • The site provides an introduction to understand the basics of and working with Excel. Redoing the illustrated numerical examples in this site will help in improving your familiarity, and as a result, increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your process in statistics.
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  • This goal of this resource is to aid in the understanding of the relationship between statistics and the scientific method and how it applies to psychology and the behavioral sciences. The learner will learn how to read and understand the statistics presented in the professional literature and will learn how to calculate and communicate statistical information to others.
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  • This resource contains a broad range of information concerning statistics. It is divided up into 18 chapters and also includes links to other resources pertaining to statistics.
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  • The applets in this section of Statistical Java allow you to see how the Central Limit Theorem works. The main page gives the characteristics of five non-normal distributions (Bernoulli, Poisson, Exponential, U-shaped, and Uniform). Users then select one of the distributions and change the sample size to see how the distribution of the sample mean approaches normality. Users can also change the number of samples. To select between the different applets you can click on Statistical Theory, the Central Limit Theorem and then the Main Page. At the bottom of this page you can make your applet selection. This page was formerly located at http://www.stat.vt.edu/~sundar/java/applets/
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  • This website helps students learn concepts underlying statistical inference, through the simulation software, Sampling SIM. This software lets students explore sampling distributions by building population distributions, taking random samples, and exploring the behavior of sampling distributions and confidence intervals. The site includes instructional modules and assessment instruments. Key words: measures of center, sampling, sampling distribution, confidence interval, p-values, power
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  • This resource defines and explains standard deviation and the normal distribution.

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