Lecture Examples

  • This Java applet demonstrates confidence intervals for the mean. It allows the user to alter sample size, samples taken, intervals, and the option of standard error. The applet displays sample values, such as average, standard deviation, and percent covered.

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  • This project examines the randomness of clusters using the Poisson Distribution. Using Microsoft Excel, the activity simulates the bombs of London and examines the occurences per cell to estimate lambda.
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  • This program allows the student to explore the nature of sampling distributions of sample means and sample proportions. The software provides separate windows for building population distributions, drawing and viewing random samples from the population, exploring the behavior of sampling distributions of sample means, and exploring the behavior of confidence intervals.
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  • This site provides the contents of the online book "The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education".
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  • This tutorial presentation from INFORMS Applied Probability Society covers the long range dependence (or long memory)property of certain stationary stochastic processes.
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  • This introductory probability textbook, freely available here in pdf format, emphasizes the use of computing to simulate experiments and make computations. A set of programs that go with the book and the answers to the odd-numbered problems are also available from this site. Chapter headings include: Discrete Probability, Continuous Probability Densities, Combinatorics, Conditional Probability, Distributions and Densities, Expected Value and Variance, Sums of Random Variables, Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem, Generating Functions, Markov Chains, and Random Walks.
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  • This website serves as an online textbook for introductory statistics, covering topics such as summarizing and presenting data, producing data, variation and probability, statistical inference, and control charts.
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  • I am not accustomed to saying anything with certainty after only one or two observations. is a quote by Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). The quote is found in "Epistola rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti".
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  • This tutorial exposes students to conducting t-tests in SPSS. This html based tutorial provides extensive screen shots and two example data sets. Topics covered in the tutorial include one sample, paired and independent samples t-tests and conducting transformations (such as a difference) of the data.

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  • This site contains links to and descriptions of over 600 applets that can be used for demonstrations or analysis of topics commonly covered in introductory statistics courses.

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