
  • The Food and Drug Administration requires pharmaceutical companies to establish a shelf life for all new drug products through a stability analysis. This is done to ensure the quality of the drug taken by an individual is within established levels. The purpose of this out-of-class project or in-class example is to determine the shelf life of a new drug. This is done through using simple linear regression models and correctly interpreting confidence and prediction intervals. An Excel spreadsheet and SAS program are given to help perform the analysis. Key words: prediction interval, confidence interval, stability

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  • This program visualizes the effects of outliers to regression lines. The user may pick up a point with the mouse and move it across the chart. The resulting regression line is automatically adjusted after each movement, showing the effect in an immediate and impressive way. The program Leverage allows one to experiment with the leverage effect. You can create a random sample of data noisy points on a line. Dragging one of the points away from the regression line immediately shows the effect, as the regression line is recalculated and moves according to the current data set. Not online: user has to download the program.

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  • This program has been written to explore the relationship between the data points and the error surface of the regression problem. On one hand you can learn how to represent a line in two different spaces ({x,y} and {k,d}), and on the other hand you see that solving the regression problem is nothing else than finding the minimum in the error surface.

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  • This web page contains concise historical information from the Census Bureau in either pdf or Excel format.
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  • This sourcebook is an annual publication of statistics about the criminal justice system, including characteristics of the criminal justice system, attitudes toward crime, types of offenses, characteristics of people arrested, processing of defendants, and people in the correctional system. Datasets come in PDF format or spreadsheet format
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  • This archive contains datasets from articles in the Journal of the American Statistical Association.
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  • These are MIT's epidemiology database pages. Mortality data for the United States from 1890-1997, Japan from 1951-1994, and Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Texas and Florida dating back to the late 1950's are provided.
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  • This short article gives a basic outline of Bloom's Taxonomy and writing learning objectives. It includes a brief description of what types of verbs to use in writing learning objectives and links these verbs to the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
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  • As quoted on the site, "The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research collects and disseminates death and permanent disability sports injury data that involve brain and/or spinal cord injuries." Links to data, annual reports, and definitions of injury are included.
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  • This site offers a list of sample questions that can be used when teaching basic probability concepts, probability distributions, data collection methods, inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression analysis, or problem sensing related to descriptive statistics. Links to the answers are also provided. Application is not limited to business.
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