This website provides data files, examples, guides that are referenced in David Howell's textbook published in 2013. There is also a student manual and links to other useful websites.
The Pew Research Center For The People & The Press data archive page contains links to downloadable versions of the Center's survey data which are currently available on the web. Survey data are released six months after the reports are issued and are posted on the web as quickly as possible.
This data archive contains data sets divided into the following categories: Astronomy, Biology, Education, Geography, Social Sciences, Sports, Transportation, Weather, and Miscellaneous. The datasets can be viewed as an html page or downloaded into Excel spreadsheets.
This sourcebook is an annual publication of statistics about the criminal justice system, including characteristics of the criminal justice system, attitudes toward crime, types of offenses, characteristics of people arrested, processing of defendants, and people in the correctional system. Datasets come in PDF format or spreadsheet format
This page from the Bureau of Justice Statistics contains links to statistics about the criminal justice system. Some topics include: crime & victims; law enforcement; courts and sentencing; and expenditure & employment.
This site provides tables of population, GNI per capita, total GNI, PPP GDP, and country classifications which can be used to make regional comparisons for people, environment, economy, states and markets, and global links. The data sets are from the year 2003. The tables are in Adobe Acrobat format.