
  • This article presents data from 1997 Big Ten Conference men's basketball games involving the University of Iowa Hawkeyes. The data can be used to demonstrate bivariate statistical inference techniques such as confidence regions, paired comparisons, and simultaneous confidence intervals. Key Word: Bivariate data; Scatterplot.
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  • The dataset presented in this article referes to game-by-game information for Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa during summer of 1998. This data can be used to demonstrate graphical displays, categorical data analysis, analysis of variance, logistic regression, and smoothing methods for Poisson and binomial data.
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  • This article presents data for examining the ability of individuals to choose numbers randomly. Three datasets of six-tuples selected by a lottery game, generated by S-Plus, and chosen by college students can be compared using descriptive statistics and goodness of fit tests to explore bias and randomness. Key Words: Boxplots; Chi-squared tests; Minimum gap; QQ plots.
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  • The dataset described in this article contains data on retired Major League Baseball players, eligible for the MLB Hall of Fame. The data can be used to illustrate descriptive statistical methods (numerical, graphical, and tabular) or inferential statistics (hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, etc.). The data is in .dat format.
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  • This article describes a dataset on the 2000 National Football League (NFL) regular season and the exploratory data analyses performed. Key Words: Multivariate analysis; Summary ranking measures
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  • The datasets described in this article contain information for all National Football League (NFL)regular season and playoff games played from 1993 to 1996. In addition to game scores, the data give oddsmakers' pointspreads and over/under values for each game. Key Words: Predictions; Wagering.
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  • This article describes a dataset on body temperature, gender, and heart rate. It addresses concepts like true means, confidence intervals, t-statistics, t-tests, the normal distribution, and regression.
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  • This article describes a dataset of days in office of US Presidents with outliers that are not mistakes or unusually high or low observations. The data illustrate that outliers need not be errors but could be particularly interesting cases and that data displays may differ in their ability to reveal interesting data structure. Key Words: Inliers; Interpretation in context.
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  • This dataset contains a number of variables like birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, and Gross National Product for 97 countries. Suggested activities are geared toward non-mathematicians and include exploratory graphical analyses to answer several central questions. Key words: boxplot, scatterplot, population growth
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  • This article describes a dataset on the readability of booklets about cancer and the reading levels of patients with cancer. Students should be familiar with scales of measurement, data reduction, measuring center, constructing and interpreting displays, and reaching conclusions in real problems. Key Words: Ordinal data, Means, Medians, Histograms
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