The objective of this study was to catalog undergraduate and graduate students' misconceptions in the area of power analysis, and to examine the efficacy of a computer simulation to remedy these misconceptions.
The objective of this study was to catalog undergraduate and graduate students' misconceptions in the area of power analysis, and to examine the efficacy of a computer simulation to remedy these misconceptions.
This report talks about ways to assess statistics courses in order to learn more about ways to teach effectively.
This paper describes the power simulator and how to use it.
In this article we present an approach for teaching and learning statistical concepts by implementing computer-assisted hands-on activities that emphasize the process of guided learning and discovery knowledge.
This paper discusses the properties and characteristics that software should have (i.e., software that will support learning in statistics) and the features of software that aid teaching and learning.
This is an actual survey that was used as part of a project designed to study how people interpret descriptions of psychological research studies.
The purpose of this bibliography is to provide a resource for students starting research in the area of statistics and probability. The bibliography is also available on disk to ease searching.
We discuss various perspectives on the sequencing of topics to be studied in an introductory statistics course, debating the merits and drawbacks of different options. We focus on the introduction of data collection issues; the study of descriptive statistics for bivariate data; the presentation order of inference for mean and proportions; and the placement of tests of significance and confidence intervals. Our goals is not to declare final resolution on these issues, but to stimulate instructors' thinking about this important aspect of course design. We conclude by identifying a set of core recommendations emerging from our points of agreement.
In this paper we present the results of applying implicative and correpondence analysis to pupils' responses to a questionnaire aimed at assessing combinatorial reasoning in secondary school pupils. We also show the effect of some task variables on pupils' errors, as well as their evolution following instruction.
This paper reports on a preliminary attempt to better understand the development of student knowledge of some fundamental statistical concepts.