Translation of the book The challenge of developing statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking (2a) to Korean
Translation of the book The challenge of developing statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking (2a) to Korean
This book discusses the conceptual and pragmatic issues in the assessment of statistical knowledge, reasoning skills, and dispositions of students in diverse contexts of instruction, both at the college and precollege levels. It is designed primarily for academic audiences interested in the teaching and learning of statistics and mathemetics and for those involved in teacher education and training in diverse contexts.
This book represents an interdisciplinary effort to construct an understanding of how to enhance statistics education and assessment for students in elementary and secondary school.
A comprehensive review of research methods in mathematics education.
The papers in this report represent the imagination, analysis, and experiences of many people involved in recent curricular studies in secondary school mathematics. It differs from reports that seek broad agreement on conservative, traditional curricula, representing instead the point of view of those working with emerging electronic technology that this technology offers striking opportunities and challenges to reshape content and pedagogy. The introductory chapter considers the potential impact of the new information technologies in relation to mathematics, setting the stage for the other papers. These address the impact of computing on algebra, geometry, calculus, and discrete mathematics and algorithmic methods. A sixth chapter considers prospects and strategies for change in school mathematics. A bibliography is included.
Statistical methodology textbook.