
  • This activity consists of two problem situations, each illustrating how a computer can be used as a tool to assist students in solving mathematical problems. In one, numerous calculations are performed by the computer; the second uses a Monte Carlo model to simulate a physical action. (MNS)

  • Describes a graduate student microcomputer laboratory set up to teach data analysis techniques. Microcomputer versions of SAS and SPSS statistical programs were incorporated into homework assignments. Shifting from the use of mainframe to microcomputer statistical software allowed an increase in the number of assigned homework exercises and made it easier to integrate statistical output into research reports. (PsycLIT Database Copyright 1991 American Psychological Assn, all rights reserved)

  • Visualizations of the law of large numbers are discussed and it is asked what are the implications for the classroom.

  • A computer-based strategy for illustrating the central limit theorem is described which introduces students to the important concept of a simulation model. The computer program is included. (MNS)

  • Computer simulation provides an effective vehicle for teaching many concepts, especially in probability and statistics. Described is a simulation for the applicability of the t distribution to the estimation of a population mean when the standard deviation of the population is unknown. (MNS)

  • Provides examples of the use of computer simulation to help beginners develop a grasp for difficult statistical concepts. The implementation of this teaching methodology is discussed and analysis of simulation output through use of standard statistical software packages is illustrated. (Author/MBR)

  • Described is a Monte-Carlo method for modeling physical systems with a computer. Also discussed are ways to incorporate Monte-Carlo simulation techniques for introductory science and mathematics teaching and also for enriching computer and simulation courses. (RH)

  • Reasons for poor performance in mathematics by students in the United States are discussed. According to the authors, too many students never experience arithmetic at a physical, concrete level. Students are drilled in arithmetic facts without any meaningful context and are given few opportunities to use numerical concepts in real-life applications. Described in this fastback in the form of a Decalogue, or ten commandments, are methods that can be used to teach mathematics successfully. These commandments hold for every grade level including postsecondary mathematics. Topics include: (1) the use of manipulatives and visuals; (2) cooperative learning models; (3) diagnosis of student development; (4) unit plan development; (5) problem solving; (6) algebra and geometry; (7) the use of computers and calculators; (8) mental computation, estimation, and measurement; (9) probability and statistics; (10) integration of skills and techniques from different branches of mathematics. (KR)

  • Argues that the teaching of statistics can be freed from the tedium of routine and repetitive calculations with the use of several creative approaches. Concludes that these approaches enable students to invent and seek applications as a result of their own initiative and understanding. (MS)

  • Four activities are outlined that give students the opportunity to organize and display data. Selecting topics and various ways of displaying data with a microcomputer are discussed. (MNS)

