
  • This website provides data files, examples, guides that are referenced in David Howell's textbook published in 2013. There is also a student manual and links to other useful websites.
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  • This exercise uses descriptive statistics to analyze a data set about how rats respond to rock music vs. classical music.
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  • This site is a collection of data that contains the results of the Olympic track and field events. It contains the times not only of the winners, but of all the contestants.
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  • The JCCKit is a small library and flexible framework for creating scientific charts and plots works on java platform. 

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  • JOpenChart is a free Java Toolkit and library for embedding charts into different kinds of applications, no matter if they are server side, desktop or web applications.

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  • This page contains information about the mass, mean temperature, length of day, rotation period, etc. for the planets of our solar system.
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  • In these activities designed to introduce sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem, students generate several small samples and note patterns in the distributions of the means and proportions that they themselves calculate from these samples. Outside of class, students generate samples of dice rolls and coin spins and draw random samples from small populations for which data is given on each individual. Students report their sample means and proportions to the instructor who then compiles the results into a single data file for in-class exploration of sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem. Key words: Sampling distribution, sample mean, sample proportion, central limit theorem

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  • This article describes an interactive activity illustrating sampling distributions for means, properties of confidence intervals, properties of hypothesis testing, confidence intervals for means, and hypothesis tests for means. Students generate and analyze data and through simulation explore these concepts. The activity is completed in three parts. The three parts of the activity can be used in sequence or they can be used individually as "stand alone" activities. This allows the educator flexibility in utilizing the activity. Part I illustrates the sampling distribution of the sample mean. Part II illustrates confidence intervals for the population mean. Part III illustrates hypothesis tests for the population mean. This activity is appropriate for use in an introductory college or high school AP statistics course. Key words: sampling distribution of a sample mean, confidence interval for a mean, hypothesis test on a mean, simulation, random rectangles
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  • This course in Statistical Mechanics features problem sets and exams. Basic principles examined include: the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy; postulates of classical statistical mechanics, microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical distributions; applications to lattice vibrations, ideal gas, photon gas; quantum statistical mechanics; Fermi and Bose systems; and interacting systems: cluster expansions, van der Waal's gas, and mean-field theory.
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  • This course features a full set of lecture notes and problem sets introducing students to the modeling, quantification, and analysis of uncertainty. Topics covered include: formulation and solution in sample space, random variables, transform techniques, simple random processes and their probability distributions, Markov processes, limit theorems, and elements of statistical inference.
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