
  • This text document lists detailed learning objectives for introductory statistics courses. Learning objectives are brief, clear statements of what learners will be able to perform at the end of a course. These objectives were developed for a one semester general education introductory statistics course. The objectives cover the broad categories of Graphics, Summary Statistics, The Normal Distribution, Correlation and Scatterplots, Introduction to Regression, Two way Tables, Data Collection and Surveys, Basic Probability, Sampling Distributions, Confidence Intervals, Tests of Hypothesis, and T-distributions.
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  • Users can select from detailed tables and geographical comparison tables to generate data from the 2000 Census.
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  • an old "walks into a bar" joke with a statistics twist.

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  • EXCITE is a collection of teaching materials developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to introduce students to public health and epidemiology. Students will learn about the scientific method of inquiry, basic biostatistics, and outbreak investigation. EXCITE adapts readily to team teaching across a variety of subjects, including mathematics, social studies, history, and physical education.

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  • As taken from the web site: "STATGRAPHICS Centurion is designed for anyone who wishes to do serious data analysis without investing weeks learning how to use a statistical package. It contains over 150 statistical procedures, covering everything from summary statistics to design of experiments. Yet you don't need to be a statistician to use the program. Everything is completely menu-driven, and there are tools such as the StatWizard and StatAdvisor to help you use the program most effectively." This program is available in three editions:Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

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  • This example is designed to test whether religiosity is correlated with optimism. The page describes the study, has a link to the data set, and describes the method of analysis. Analysis includes ANOVA and regression.
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  • This correlation and regression example compares performance on reading comprehension questions to performace on the SAT. It also compares those who read the passage referred to by the questions to those who did not. Exercise questions and answers are also provided.
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  • As described in the web page itself: "This document was prepared as an illustration of the use of both t tests and correlation/regression analysis in drawing conclusions from data in an actual study." The study compares athletic performance of swimmers that are optimists vs. pessimists.
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  • This page was written as instructions for a SAS lab assignment, but the example can be used with other programs. The study compares three treatments for rape victims against each other and a control group to see which treatment is most effective at reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.
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  • This page provides survey data on the sexual activity of male and female subjects and discusses choosing appropriate statistics to describe the data as well as reporting bias. It also links to a Chance article about the same study.
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