Regional Conference - Elon University [Cancelled]


Elon University’s Mathematics and Statistics Department will be hosting a regional dinner for high school and collegiate-level (2-year and 4-year) statistics educators. Statistics graduate students interested in academic careers are encouraged to attend. This event is being hosted in connection to the electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS) conference. The event will feature streaming footage from eCOTS, a selection of 45-minute breakout workshops, participant-shared topic tables, and a panel of speakers with experience teaching at different levels. Participants are invited to submit ideas for breakout workshops and table topics (activities) to share at their table over dessert. This event is being coordinated with the Regional Conference at North Carolina State University and will share a Keynote Panel across locations. The objective of this event is to build connections amongst statistics educators in North Carolina.

Location: Elon University

Sankey Hall, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina 27244


Thursday, May 21st, 2020 – Registration begins at 3:00pm [Cancelled]


  • 3:30pm - 3:45pm
    Arrival & registration
  • 3:45pm - 4:30pm
    Breakout workshops
  • 4:30pm - 5:00pm
    eCOTS Poster Streaming
  • 5:00pm - 6:30pm
    Dinner & Keynote Panel
  • 6:30pm - 7:30pm
    Chat & Chew Topics Tables


To register for the eCOTS Regional Dinner at Elon University, participants should register for the electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics at and indicate that they will be attending the eCOTS Regional Dinner at Elon University.

Breakout Workshops

Breakout workshops will be 45 minute presentations on a variety of topics. Topics may include R/RStudio, Socrative, StatCrunch, or CODAP. Any registered participants interested in providing a 45-minute workshop should contact Laura Taylor ( by April 10, 2020 with a title and brief abstract for workshop ideas. A limited number of workshops will be given due to space. Final breakout workshops will be posted at a future date.

Dinner & Keynote Panel

Dinner will be provided for all registered participants. Additional details about the keynote panel will be provided at a future date.

Chat & Chew Topics Tables

Share dessert and best practices with your dinner partners. Participants are encouraged to bring handouts to share best practices, examples, activities, etc. from their classes with other conference participants. Please contact Laura Taylor ( with information on the topic you plan to share. An updated list of planned Chat & Chew activities will be posted as they are received.

Contact: Laura Taylor
