Brian Kotz (Montgomery College); Manju Shah (Wake Technical Community College); Randy Kochevar (Oceans of Data Institute); Dr. Cara Tang (Portland Community College)
Session Ended
Many two-year colleges are now developing and offering certificate and degree programs in data science to meet the needs of their students and communities. This panel discussion will share some perspectives from two-year college educators regarding program development, recent support measures and achievements, and some of the next initiatives in two-year college data science education.
- Chronicle of Higher Education Graphic: "Making Liberal Arts Grads More Marketable"
- American Statistical Association's DataFest Competition
- Montgomery College Data Science Program
- Wake Technical Community College Business Analytics Program
- Oceans of Data Institute
- Education Development Center's "Profile of the Data Practitioner"
- Association of Computing Machinery's Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges
- StatPREP
- American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Data Science Resources Page
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Final Report
"Data Science for Undergraduates: Opportunites and Options" - Two-Year College Data Science Summit (May 2018, Washington DC)
- American Statistical Association's Education Page
- Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Data Science created by the 2016 Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI)