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Statistical Topic

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  • These pages will perform an analysis of covariance for k independent samples, where the individual samples, A, B, etc., represent k quantitative or categorical levels of the independent variable; DV = the dependent variable of interest; and CV = the concomitant variable whose effects one wishes to bring under statistical control. The pages in this first batch require the direct entry of data, item by item, and as they open you will be prompted to enter the size of the largest of your several samples. The pages in this second batch allow for the import of data from a spreadsheet via copy and paste procedures.

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  • These pages will perform a factorial analysis of covariance for RxC independent samples, cross-tabulated according to two independent variables, A and B, where A is the row variable and B the column variable; DV = the dependent variable of interest; and CV = the concomitant variable whose effects one wishes to bring under statistical control. As the pages open, you will be prompted to enter the size of the largest of your several samples.

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  • This resource provides the user with a formula for obtaining sample sizes of a mean and proportion.
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  • This resource assists the user in reading, constructing, and understanding confidence intervals.
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