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Statistical Topic

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  • A cartoon that can be used to discuss the importance of proper scaling to give a fair picture in graphical displays. The cartoon was used in the October 2020 CAUSE cartoon caption contest and the winning caption was written by Chris Lacke from Rowan University.. The cartoon was drawn by British cartoonist John Landers ( based on an idea by Dennis Pearl from Penn State University.

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  • A cartoon suitable for use in teaching about scatterplots and correlation. The cartoon is number 388 (Feb, 2008) from the webcomic series at created by Randall Munroe. Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites under a creative commons attribution-non-commercial 2.5 license.

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  • This page will calculate the intercorrelations (r and r2) for up to five variables, designated as A, B, C, D, and E.

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  • The Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory allows astronauts an atmosphere resembling zero gravity (weightlessness) in order to train for missions involving spacewalks. In this activity, students will evaluate pressures experienced by astronauts and scuba divers who assist them while training in the NBL.  This lesson addresses correlation, regression, residuals, inerpreting graphs, and making predictions.

    NASA's Math and Science @ Work project provides challenging supplemental problems for students in advanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM classes including Physics, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry and Statistics, along with problems for advanced courses in U.S. History and Human Geography.

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  • Song contains concepts and terms associated with linear regression. May be sung to the tune of "I Walk the Line" (Johnny Cash). Musical accompaniment realization and vocals are by Joshua Lintz from University of Texas at El Paso.

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  • A "12 page" tutorial that explores the liner models via excel spreadsheets. The learning module leads the user through various aspects of linear modeling. This tutorial includes a worksheet that allows students to vary the scatter (or noise) level, by adjusting the scroll bar or by clicking on the arrows, to see how the slope and intercept of line respond to the addition of scatter to the data, while monitoring the value of r^2.

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  • This page computes a variety of descriptive statistics and creates a stem and leaf plot. Enter data in the text area, specify a delimiter (Space, Return, Tab, New line), and click "Compute". The page returns sample size, mean, median, trimmed mean, trimean, minimum, maximum, range, first quartile, third quartile, semi-interquartile range, standard deviation, variance, standard error of the mean, skew, and kurtosis. Key Word: Calculator; Summary Statistics.

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  • CODAP provides an easy-to-use web-based data analysis platform, geared toward middle and high school students, and aimed at teachers and curriculum developers. CODAP can be incorporated across the curriculum to help students summarize, visualize and interpret data, advancing their skills to use data as evidence to support a claim.

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  • The fifth chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course. Three sets of lecture notes are provided. Additionally, links for additional reading and exercises with solutions are provided. A link is also given for a related statistical applet on the normal distribution.

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  • This page introduces the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, gives background and procedures for the test, and provides a calculation page which allows users to enter their own data and perform the test.

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