Kristen Roland and Jennifer Kaplan (University of Georgia)
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 2:00pm ET
As enrollment in introductory statistics courses across the country rises, more instructors for these courses are needed. Many statistics courses are now taught by Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). Little is known, however, about the training needs of GTAs to foster active learning and promote conceptual understanding, critical recommendations of the GAISE guidelines to improve undergraduate learning in statistics. This talk will discuss changes to our lab activities to incorporate GAISE recommendations of teaching for conceptual understanding, foster active learning, and integrating real data. We will also discuss initial findings concerning the struggles GTAs have with connecting their theoretical knowledge to conceptual ideas concerning confidence intervals for one population proportion. The material is based on work supported by NSF DUE 1504587.
Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 2:00pm ET
This webinar will provide a guide to creating a user-adaptable electronic textbook incorporating data visualization, data science, and other relevant pedagogical concepts into your introductory statistics course. We present our own introductory statistics and data science textbook available at that:
Focuses on the entirety of the data/science pipeline from importing data to visualizing and summarizing data to inferential techniques and developing students as effective data storytellers
Blurs the line between lecture and lab
Uses freely available modern, rich, and complex data sources
Leverages resampling and simulation to build statistical inference concepts
Most importantly, provides complete customizability to the instructor and reproducibility to the student
We’ll discuss how collaboration and crowd-sourcing have and will play a role in our textbook going forward and other open-source materials we are creating to better support introductory statistics/data science students learning the skills and tools that statisticians/data scientists are using today.
For the complete powerpoint presentation of today's webinar:
Concetta DePaolo, David Robinson, and Aimee Jacobs
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 2:30pm ET
We present actual data gathered from a café run by business students. We give examples of time series forecasting and data mining applications, and frame problems as managerial questions to emphasize data-driven decision making.
Monnie McGee, Lynne Stokes, and Pavel Nadolsky, Southern Methodist University
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - 2:00pm ET
In this webinar we will present our experiences and provide tips on how to implement a flipped classroom approach we call "Just-in-Time Teaching." In this method in and out of classroom activities are reversed; student preparation before class includes watching a brief lecture via video and responding to web-based discussion questions designed to elicit common misunderstandings students have, and class time is reserved for guided practice to reinforce new knowledge.
Monday, December 12, 2016 - 2:00pm ET
Our university recently began offering a bachelor’s degree in data science. One of the required courses for this major is a course on data summary and visualization. Fall Semester 2016 was the second time this course was offered at our university. In this talk, I will describe the content, structure, and pace of this course and provide examples of student output.
Dennis Pearl, Director of CAUSE
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - 2:00pm ET
This webinar will provide a tour of and its special collections and features. The webinar will also provide ways for community involvement in building the collections and seek audience suggestions for future projects.
Jennifer J. Kaplan, University of Georgia; Neal Rogness, Grand Valley State University; Diane Fisher, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 1:00pm ET
Research on faculty professional development suggests that in order for faculty to change their teaching, they must perceive a problem, be presented with changes they can adapt to their own teaching style, and see evidence of change in student learning based on the changes. Many words in statistics pose a barrier for entry level students because they everyday meanings which differ from their discipline usage within statistics; this can lead to lexical ambiguity for students. The webinar will focus on two High-Impact, Little-Time (HILT) activities developed by faculty involved in a faculty learning community to help exploit lexical ambiguities associated with parameter. We will present the activities, along with the data that show the effectiveness of the activities with respect to student learning.
Hollylynne Lee, NC State University, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
Tuesday, August 16, 2016 - 2:00pm ET
Professional development for educators can be done in a flexible format that meets the needs of teachers of statistics in a variety of contexts. Design principles and sample learning opportunities will be shared that are part of the Teaching Statistics Through Data Investigations MOOC for Educators. The course is offered several times a year and thus far has served over 2500 educators from all 50 states, and over 45 countries. See
James Bush, Waynesburg University, Waynesburg, PA
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 2:00pm ET
This webinar will present several media clips from popular films and television programs and show how they can be used to introduce topics in a first-year statistics course. A simulation-based activity motivated by one of the clips will be demonstrated.
William Finzer, Concord Consortium
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 2:00pm ET
The Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) is an online, free, and open source descendant of Fathom and TinkerPlots (though still far from a replacement for them). We’ll look at ways you can already use CODAP in the classroom and understand where ongoing development at Concord Consortium will take it.