Tuesday, June 18th, 20244:00 pm – 4:30 pm ET

Presented by: Chelsey Legacy (University of Minnesota) and Pablo Vivas Corrales (University of Minnesota)
In this June edition of the JSDSE/CAUSE webinar series, we highlight the 2024 article The Teaching of Introductory Statistics: Results of a National Survey. The authors describe their use of the updated Statistics Teaching Inventory (STI) to examine the current state of the curricular and instructional practices being used by U.S.-based, college-level introductory statistics instructors. They explore the extent to which instructors report that their introductory statistics courses are aligned with recommended practices as outlined by the 2016 GAISE College Report. Data were collected from a sample of college-level U.S.-based, college-level introductory statistics instructors. Results based on 228 usable responses indicated that instructors, by-and-large, tended to be following the GAISE recommendations, especially related to content. However, courses may not yet be aligned with newer content recommendations (e.g., provide students opportunities to work with multivariate data), and there is still a large percentage of instructors that are not embracing student-oriented pedagogies and assessment methods.