Statistical Inference & Techniques

  • During this simulation activity, students generate sampling distributions of the sample mean for n = 5 and n = 50 with Fathom 2 and use these distributions to confirm the Central Limit Theorem. Students sample from a large population of randomly selected pennies. Given that the variable of interest is the age of the pennies, which has a geometric distribution, this is a particularly convincing demonstration of the Central Limit Theorem in action. This activity includes detailed instructions on how to use Fathom to generate sampling distributions. The author will provide the Fathom data file upon request.
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  • A cartoon that can be used in teaching about summary statistics. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
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  • A statistics realted lightbulb joke connected to a key percentile of the normal curve.

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  • A quick pun about modeling and examining lack of fit by Bruce White
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  • A quick pun about the "log scale" by Bruce White
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  • A quick pun about "autocorrelation" by Bruce White.
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  • That's not an experiment you have there, that's an experience. Ronald A. Fisher (1890-1962.) Quoted in "Statistics", third edition, by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, and Roger Purves (Norton, 1998)
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  • This article, in a series, describes a game, which tests opposing strategies through aspects of experiemental design.
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  • This article describes a method to calculate the least squares line algebraically. First, the author uses a numeric example, which uses calculus, then describes a simpler algebraic method.
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  • The following exercise can illustrate the problem of bias in estimators to students in statistics courses. In some advanced courses an alternative estimator may be presented and properties of this estimator may be investigated via Monte Carlo studies.
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