This applet builds confidence intervals for the percentage of orange candies in box with two colors of candies. A smaller box visualizes the sample, and a graph keeps track of the location of the confidence interval. Students can take one sample (producing one CI) repeatedly, or take 100 random samples at once. The population percentage is hidden from view unless the student asks to see it, in which case it is displayed on the graph of confidence intervals. This allows the students to see whether each interval "hits" or "misses". Several parameters can be varied: sample size, confidence level and number of samples. A set of questions alongside the applet guides students.
The ASA Career Center serves as the main clearinghouse for information about jobs, careers, and employment for the statistical profession.
A searchable database of approximately 600 applets for teaching introductory statistics topics, including graphical displays, descriptive statistics, probability concepts, random variables, sampling and sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, ANOVA, chi-square tests, correlation and regression, time series and forecasting, decision analysis, and quality control charts. Applets are arranged by topic and intended use. Information on each applet includes source and url as well as a brief description.
A cartoon to teach basic ideas about survey sampling. The cartoon is #1271 in the web comic Piled Higher and Deeper by Panamanian cartoonist Jorge Cham (1976- ): see It originally appeared in that series on January 20, 2010. Free for use in classrooms and course websites with acknowledgement (i.e. "Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham should be on or next to the cartoon in your display). Commercial users must contact the copyright holder for permissions.