Statistical Inference & Techniques

  • This site gives an explanation of, a definition for and an example of sample means. Topics include mean, variance, distribution, and the Central Limit Theorem.
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  • This site gives an explanation of, a definition for and an example of confidence intervals. It covers topics including inference about population mean and z and t critical values.
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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition of and an example for tests of significance. Topics include null and alternative hypotheses for population mean, one-sided and two-sided z and t tests, levels of significance, and matched pairs analysis.
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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition of, and an example using comparison of two means. Topics include confidence intervals and significance tests, z and t statistics, and pooled t procedures.
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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of inference for categorical data. Topics include confidence intervals and significance tests for a single proportion, as well as comparison of two proportions.
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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of chi-square goodness of fit test. Topics include chi-square test statistics, tests for discrete and continuous distributions.
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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of two-way tables and the chi-square test. Topics include: categorical data analysis for two variables, and tests of association.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets which explore the basic types of probability distributions and the ways distributions can be defined using density functions, distribution functions, and quantile functions.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on expected value provides examples, exercises, and applets in which students will explore relationships between the expected value of real-valued random variables and the center of the distribution. Students will also examine how expected values can be used to measure spread and correlation.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on special distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets covering normal, gamma, chi-square, student t, F, bivariate normal, multivariate normal, beta, weibull, zeta, pareto, logistic, lognormal, and extreme value distributions.
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