
  • This page provides links to distribution calculators, conceptual demonstration applets, statistical tables, online data analysis packages, function and image-processing tools, and other online computing resources. Key Words: Binomial; Normal; Exponential; Chi-Square; Geometric; Hypergeometric; Negative Binomial; Poisson; Student's T; F-Distribution; Wilcoxon Rank-Sum; Central Limit Theorem; Regression; Normal Approximation to Poisson; Confidence Intervals; Hypothesis Tests; Power; Sample-Size; ANOVA; Galton's Board; Function Plots; Edge Detection; Image Warping & Stretching; Polynomial Model Fitting; Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Statistic.
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  • This applet allows students to explore three methods for measuring "goodness of fit" of a linear model. Users can manipulate both the data and the regression line to see changes in the square error, the absolute error, and the shortest distance from the data point to the regression line.
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  • This page provides a table for selecting an appropriate statistical method based on type of data and what information is desired from the data. It also compares parametric and nonparametric tests, one-sided and two-sided p-values, paired and unpaired tests, Fisher's test and the Chi-square test, and regression and correlation. It comes from Chapter 37 of the textbook, "Intuitive Biostatistics".
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  • Forecasting is very difficult, especially about the future. A quote of business economist Edgar R. Fiedler (1929 - 2003) found in "Across the Board", the magazine of The Conference Board, Inc. (June, 1977). The quote also appears in "Statistically Speaking: A dictionary of quotations" compiled by Carl Gaither and Alma Cavazos-Gaither.
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  • A quick pun about the "log scale" by Bruce White
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  • This article presents a dataset containing actual monthly data on computer usage in Best Buy stores from August 1996 to July 2000. This dataset can be used to illustrate time-series forecasting, causal forecasting, simple linear regression, unequal error variances, and variable transformation. Key Words: Model-building; Seasonal Variation.
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  • This article describes Galileo's data on falling bodies and projectiles and its use as an aid in teaching polynomial and nonlinear regression. Key Words: Independent and dependent variables; Graphical analysis.
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  • This article describes a dataset of days in office of US Presidents with outliers that are not mistakes or unusually high or low observations. The data illustrate that outliers need not be errors but could be particularly interesting cases and that data displays may differ in their ability to reveal interesting data structure. Key Words: Inliers; Interpretation in context.
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  • This random number generator produces a data table with up to 10 columns and up to 2500 rows. For random integers, users must specify the data range. For data from a Normal (Gaussian) distribution, users specify mean and standard deviation.

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  • This page explores Benford's law and the Pareto Principle (or 80/20 rule). Benford's law may also have a wider meaning if the digits it evaluates are considered ranks or places. The digit's probability of occurring could be considered the relative share of total winnings for each place (1st through 9th). In other words, 1st place would win 30.1%, 2nd place 17.6%, 3rd 12.5%,... 9th place 4.6% of the available rewards. The normalized Benford curve could be used as a model for ranked data such as the wealth of individuals in a country. To determine if the Benford model gives results similar to those of the Pareto principle we use the normalized Benford equation in a computer program.
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