
  • This applet is a probabilistic study of picking prizes from an unlimited supply of cereal boxes. The applet helps to answer how many boxes of cereal need to be purchased to have a 50/50 chance of getting all the prizes.
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  • Here one finds a collection of applets and famous problems in probability (as well as other areas of mathematics such as calculus and geometry). Some of the topics/problems include: Bertrand's Paradox, Birthday Coincidence, Buffon's Needle (Noodle), Lewis Carroll's Problem, Monty Hall Dilemma, Parrondo Paradox, and Three pancakes problem.

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  • This website provides lesson plans, activities, a problem bank, and links to references that meet NCTM standards for probability.
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  • The page will calculate the following: Exact binomial probabilities, Approximation via the normal distribution, Approximation via the Poisson Distribution. This page will calculate and/or estimate binomial probabilities for situations of the general "k out of n" type, where k is the number of times a binomial outcome is observed or stipulated to occur, p is the probability that the outcome will occur on any particular occasion, q is the complementary probability (1-p) that the outcome will not occur on any particular occasion, and n is the number of occasions.

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  • Illustrates the central limit theorem by allowing the user to increase the number of samples in increments of 100, 1000, or 10000.

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  • This page generates a graph of the Chi-Square distribution and displays the associated probabilities. Users enter the degrees of freedom (between 1 and 20, inclusive) upon opening the page.

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  • Generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of the t-distribution for values of df between 4 and 200, inclusive.

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  • This page generates a Poisson distribution, as approximated by the Binomial. After clicking continue, users must enter the sample size (n>39) and probability of success (between 0.0 and 0.2, inclusive). A graph of the Poisson distribution with mean=np is shown as well as a table of the Poisson probabilities. Key Word: Poisson Calculator.

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  • This page generates a histogram of a Poisson distribution and the associated table of probabilities. Upon opening the page, users will be prompted to enter the mean of the distribution (between 0.01 and 20.0, inclusive). Key Word: Poisson Calculator.

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  • Calculates the areas under the curve of the normal distribution falling to the left of -z, to the right of +z, and between -z and +z.

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