One Numerical Variable

  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of random variables including discrete and continuous. It also defines a density curve.
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  • This site gives an explanation of, an example of, and a definition for binomial distributions including counts, proportions, and normal approximation.
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  • This site gives an explanation of, a definition for and an example of sample means. Topics include mean, variance, distribution, and the Central Limit Theorem.
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  • This site gives an explanation of, a definition for and an example of confidence intervals. It covers topics including inference about population mean and z and t critical values.
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  • As quoted on the site, "This website ... offers the possibility to download true random numbers generated using a quantum random number generator upon demand. Users can specify the length of the random number sequence and their upper boundary."

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  • This is a virtual linear regression calculator. It allows students to enter data points, experiment with where the line of best fit might be, and then lets them see the correct line of best fit as well as the outliers. You can click through the introduction.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on games of chance provides examples, exercises, and applets which include Poker, Poker dice, Chuck-a-Luck, Craps, Roulette, The Monty Hall Problem, lotteries, and Red and Black.
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  • The goal of this lesson is to introduce the concepts of mean, median and mode and to develop understanding and familiarity with these ideas. The activity lets students explore mean and median in an efficient way and the discussion helps them to formalize their knowledge of measures of center.
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  • This page generates a graph of the sampling distribution of the difference between two means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the population standard deviation and the sample sizes, Na and Nb. The applet also calculates the standard error of the sample mean difference.

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  • This page generates a graph of the sampling distribution of r, the Pearson correlation coefficient. Upon opening, the applet prompts for sample size greater than 6. The applet also displays the probabilities associated with the distribution.

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