Linear Models

  • This page will perform the procedure for up to k=12 sample values of r, with a minimum of k=2. It will also perform a chi-square test for the homogeneity of the k values of r, with df=k-1. The several values of r can be regarded as coming from the same population only if the observed chi-square value proves the be non-significant.

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  • To assess the significance of any particular instance of r, enter the values of N[>6] and r into the designated cells, then click the 'Calculate' button. Application of this formula to any particular observed sample value of r will accordingly test the null hypothesis that the observed value comes from a population in which rho=0.

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  • As the page opens, you will be prompted to enter two sample size values, na and nb. If the samples are of different sizes, the larger of the two should be designated as sample A. If you are starting out with raw (unranked) data, the necessary rank- ordering will be performed automatically.

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  • These pages will perform an analysis of covariance for k independent samples, where the individual samples, A, B, etc., represent k quantitative or categorical levels of the independent variable; DV = the dependent variable of interest; and CV = the concomitant variable whose effects one wishes to bring under statistical control. The pages in this first batch require the direct entry of data, item by item, and as they open you will be prompted to enter the size of the largest of your several samples. The pages in this second batch allow for the import of data from a spreadsheet via copy and paste procedures.

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  • These pages will perform a factorial analysis of covariance for RxC independent samples, cross-tabulated according to two independent variables, A and B, where A is the row variable and B the column variable; DV = the dependent variable of interest; and CV = the concomitant variable whose effects one wishes to bring under statistical control. As the pages open, you will be prompted to enter the size of the largest of your several samples.

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  • Beginning with a set of n paired values of Xa and Xb, this page will perform the necessary rank- ordering along with all other steps appropriate to the Wilcoxon test. As the page opens, you will be prompted to enter the number of paired values of Xa and Xb.

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  • A small collection of applets on the following topics: Introduction to Probability Models, Hypergeometric Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution, Proportions, Confidence Intervals for Means, The Central Limit Theorem, Bivariate Normal Distribution, Linear Regression, Buffon's Needle Problem.
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  • This applet shades the graph and computes the probability of X, when X is between two parameters x1 and x2. The user inputs the mean, standard deviation, x1 and x2. This applet should be resized for optimal viewing.

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  • This program returns a list of all the permutations of the set {1, 2, ..., n}. It allows you to select the given output, copy it, and paste it into a Word or Excel document.
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  • Users can test their "psychic ability" to predict the future by guessing the outcome of a coin toss before it occurs. Enter your predictions by clicking the "heads" or "tails" button. When you enter your guess, the coin is tossed and the result is displayed. As you continue guessing, the applet keeps track of the total number of guesses and the total number of correct guesses, plotting it above. If you are truly psychic, you should be able to beat the odds in the long run. You can "weight" the coin by changing the probability of it landing heads.
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