General Rules

  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of two-way tables and the chi-square test. Topics include: categorical data analysis for two variables, and tests of association.
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  • Here one finds a collection of applets and famous problems in probability (as well as other areas of mathematics such as calculus and geometry). Some of the topics/problems include: Bertrand's Paradox, Birthday Coincidence, Buffon's Needle (Noodle), Lewis Carroll's Problem, Monty Hall Dilemma, Parrondo Paradox, and Three pancakes problem.

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  • Generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of the t-distribution for values of df between 4 and 200, inclusive.

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  • This page generates a Poisson distribution, as approximated by the Binomial. After clicking continue, users must enter the sample size (n>39) and probability of success (between 0.0 and 0.2, inclusive). A graph of the Poisson distribution with mean=np is shown as well as a table of the Poisson probabilities. Key Word: Poisson Calculator.

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  • To perform calculations using Bayes' theorem, enter the probability for one or the other of the items in each of the following pairs (the remaining item in each pair will be calculated automatically). A probability value can be entered as either a decimal fraction such as .25 or a common fraction such as 1/4

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  • An application of Bayes Theorem that performs the same calculations for the situation where the several probabilities are constructed as indices of subjective confidence.

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  • This applet is designed to teach an application of probability. This java applet works by simulating a situation where a three stage rocket is about to be launched. In order for a successful launch to occur all three stages of the rocket must successfully pass their pre-takeoff tests. By default, each stage has a 50% chance of success, however, this can be altered by dragging the bar next to each stage.
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  • This tutorial introduces 9 sources of threat to internal vailidity and asks the user to classify hypothetical experiments as either internally valid or invalid and identify the source of threat if invalid.
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  • This chapter of the HyperStat Online Textbook presents six sections on probability including conditional probability, unions, intersections, and the Binomial distribution. A link to exercises for the chapter is available, as well as a link to an applet that demonstrates the approximation of the binomial with a normal distribution (in section 5).
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  • A computational tool that runs the one-way ANOVA by the user inputing individual data or by copying and pasting a delimitted data set.

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