A humorous cartoon to initiate a conversation about interpreting a time series plot (e.g. discussing trend versus random components). The cartoon was drawn by American cartoonist Jon Carter in 2014.
A humorous cartoon to initiate a conversation about interpreting a time series plot (e.g. discussing trend versus random components). The cartoon was drawn by American cartoonist Jon Carter in 2014.
A humorous cartoon to initiate a conversation about the importance of using graphics for a purpose in order to show important features of data and not just to add sizzle. The cartoon was drawn by American cartoonist Jon Carter in 2015.
A humorous cartoon to initiate a conversation about how graphs are an efficient "language" for describing data. The cartoon is drawn by American cartoonist Jon Carter in 2015.
A poem for encouraging discussion on aspects of making predictions using regression models (e.g. treating possible non-linearity). The poem was written in 2023 by Dane C Joseph from George Fox University in Oregon.
A cartoon to show the misleading nature of graphs with a y-axis scale that does not start at zero (here real data is plotted to make it appear that the population of Dublin, Ireland doubled in a single year between 2021 and 2022). The cartoon was based on an idea by Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso in May, 2023.
A humorous cartoon by American cartoonist Jon Carter in 2018 which may be used for in-class discussions about interpreting time series plots. The drawing indicates confusion about what each axes represents, since the plot itself indicates the x-axes labels time, but the axes itself says "customer intelligence" and there is no scale on either axesThe cartoon is free to use in non-profit educational settings.
A cartoon that can be helpful as a vehicle to discuss how finding a good data visualization to tell the story of a study’s results is an art – even if it must be combined with the science of statistics to give an appropriate impression. The cartoon was used in the July 2022 CAUSE cartoon caption contest and the winning caption was submitted by John Montagu, a student at University of Colorado, Boulder.. An alternative caption: "While each plot was from a different perspective, it was the aggregation of the plots that told the whole story." was submitted by Jim Alloway from EMSQ Associates, and reinforces the idea that it may take several graphs to give a full picture of a data set.The cartoon was drawn by British cartoonist John Landers (www.landers.co.uk) based on an idea by Dennis Pearl from Penn State University.
An interesting sestina poem to discuss measurement scales and can also be used while discussing spurious correlations if the teacher provides a guiding question such as “What part of the poem describes the relationship between quantitative variables, rather than just descriptions of quantitative variables? Are those relationships examples of 'Spurious Correlations' (per the title of the poem)? Explain briefly." If the students need further help, the instructor might suggest that they focus on the second to last stanza. The was written by Jules Nyquist, the founder of Jules' Poetry Playhouse, a place for poetry and play and published in the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (2022) v. 12 #2 p.554.
A joke relating the voting preferences of certain states with the shape of a map of the states (i.e. the shape they take if viewed as a histogram). The joke was written in 2019 by Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso.
A song to be used in discussing the value of visualizations in telling a data story along with the importance of using "clean" data in doing so. The lyrics were written by Dennis K Pearl from Penn State University in July, 2022. May be sung to the tune of "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" written by Paul McCartney and released by the Beatles in 1969.