
  • Generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of the Normal Distribution. For a unit normal distribution, with M=0 and SD=Œ±1, enter 0 and 1 at the prompt. For a distribution with M=100 and SD=Œ±15, enter 100 and 15. And so forth

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  • This applet simulates families of three children. The probability of having a boy on any attempt can be changed in the parameter statement. The percantage of times "x" number of girls occurs is updated in the bar chart. There is a 2nd applet on the page that is the same as above, but the families stop having children after the first boy or after they have had 3 girls.
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  • This article may help the user understand the concept of statistical significance and the meaning of the numbers produced by The Survey System. This article is presented in two parts. The first part simplifies the concept of statistical significance as much as possible; so that non-technical readers can use the concept to help make decisions based on their data. The second part provides more technical readers with a fuller discussion of the exact meaning of statistical significance numbers.
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  • This site explains the relationship between hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.
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  • This applet shades the graph and computes the probability of X, when X is between two parameters x1 and x2. The user inputs the mean, standard deviation, x1 and x2. This applet should be resized for optimal viewing.

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  • This program returns a list of all the permutations of the set {1, 2, ..., n}. It allows you to select the given output, copy it, and paste it into a Word or Excel document.
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  • This applet is designed to teach an application of probability. This java applet works by simulating a situation where a three stage rocket is about to be launched. In order for a successful launch to occur all three stages of the rocket must successfully pass their pre-takeoff tests. By default, each stage has a 50% chance of success, however, this can be altered by dragging the bar next to each stage.
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  • This applet simulates rolling dice to illustrate the central limit theorem. The user can choose between 1, 2, 6, or 9 dice to roll 1, 5, 20, or 100 times. The distribution is graphically displayed. This applet needs to be resized for optimal viewing.

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  • This activity allows the user to simulate pulling red and green balls out of three boxes. The boxes are pre-arranged so that there are two red balls in one box, two green balls in another, and one green and one red ball in the third. The user can shuffle the order of the boxes and the order of the balls in the boxes. To run in single trial mode, click on one of the box to see if the first ball is green. If it is, click on the box again to see if the second ball is green also. A count will be kept of the results. To run in multiple trial mode, enter the number of trials desired in the box and click on the run multiple trials button. This activity would work well in groups of two to three for about twenty minutes if you use the exploration questions provided and ten minutes otherwise.

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  • The applets in this section of Statistical Java address Power. Users can perform one or two tailed tests for proportions or means for one or two samples. Set the parameters and drag the mouse across the graph to see how effect size affects power. An article and an alternative source for this applet can be found at This page was formerly located at
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