This page will calculate standard measures for Rates, Risk Ratio, Odds, Odds Ratio, and Log Odds. It will also calculate the Phi coefficient of association;perform a chi-square test of association, if the sample size is not too small; and perform the Fisher exact probability test, if the sample size is not too large. For intermediate values of n, the chi-square and Fisher tests will both be performed.
This applet shades the graph and computes the probability of X, when X is between two parameters x1 and x2. The user inputs the mean, standard deviation, x1 and x2. This applet should be resized for optimal viewing.
This applet allows the user to simulate a race where the results are based on the roll of a die. The user can determine which player moves forward for a given roll, and can then experiment with the race by determining which player will win more often based on the rules that they specify.