Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 841 - 850 of 2220
  • Here one finds a collection of applets and famous problems in probability (as well as other areas of mathematics such as calculus and geometry). Some of the topics/problems include: Bertrand's Paradox, Birthday Coincidence, Buffon's Needle (Noodle), Lewis Carroll's Problem, Monty Hall Dilemma, Parrondo Paradox, and Three pancakes problem.

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  • As quoted on the site, "This website ... offers the possibility to download true random numbers generated using a quantum random number generator upon demand. Users can specify the length of the random number sequence and their upper boundary."

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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of correlation. Topics include correlation coefficient and rŒ_.

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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of linear regression. Topics include least-squares, residuals, extrapolation, outliers, and influential observations.

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  • This online, interactive lesson on probability spaces provides examples, exercises, and applets that cover conditional probability, independence, and several modes of convergence that are appropriate for random variables. This section also covers probability space, the paradigm of a random experiment and its mathematical model as well as sample spaces, events, random variables, and probability measures.

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  • This online, interactive lesson on set estimation provides examples, exercises, and applets concerning estimation of the normal model, estimation in the Bernoulli Model, estimation in the two-sample normal model, and Bayesian set estimation.

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  • This online, interactive lesson on hypothesis testing provides examples, exercises, and applets which includes tests in the normal model, Bernoulli Model, and two-sample normal model as well as likelihood ratio and goodness of fit tests.

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  • This online, interactive lesson on geometric models provides examples, exercises, and applets which include Buffon's Problems, Bertrand's Paradox, and Random Triangles.

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  • This applets on this site include: interactive graphs of many distribution models; a collection of computer generated games; a collection of data modeling aids including curve fitting, wavelets, matrix manipulations, etc.; p-values, quantiles & tail-probabilities calculations; virtual online probability experiments and demonstrations; and a large collection of statistical techniques for online data analysis, visualization, and integration.

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  • This applet allows the user to enter data, then returns the values of empirical cumulative distribution function by sorting the data and reporting the height of the curve at each point. It does not show the graph.

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