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Statistical Topic

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  • Gapminder seeks to educate all on the importance of "factfulness" and of knowing and contextualizing the statistics that describe the state of our world.  Learn facts from across the globe such as average income, life expectancy, energy use, education levels, and much more.

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  • CATS, established in 1978, promotes the statistical sciences, statistical education, statistics applications, and related issues affecting the statistics community. The mission and scope of CATS evolved over time as interdisciplinary collaboration increasingly shaped the character of scientific research. After a brief hiatus, CATS was reconstituted in 2011 and has since focused on improving the visibility and practice of statistics within government agencies not well connected to statistics, increasing attention to statistical issues of big data and data science, and helping agencies identify bottlenecks impairing their analysis capabilities. Its multidisciplinary members are experts from statistics and related fields and leaders in diverse areas of interdisciplinary research, including the analysis of large-scale data, computational biology and bioinformatics, spatial data, environmental science, neuroscience, health care policy, and complex computer experiments.

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  • This is the free online textbook for the Foundations of Data Science class at UC Berkeley for the Data 8 Project. Creators have used to maintain this textbook (an open source project that allows for continual easy editing and maintenance).

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  • This UC Berkeley Foundations of Data Science course combines three perspectives: inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance. Given data arising from some real-world phenomenon, how does one analyze that data so as to understand that phenomenon? This course teaches critical concepts and skills in computer programming and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world datasets, including economic data, document collections, geographical data, and social networks. It delves into social issues surrounding data analysis such as privacy and design.

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  • The International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) was founded in 1992 to promote the development and application of Bayesian analysis. By sponsoring and organizing meetings, publishing the electronic journal Bayesian Analysis, and other activities, ISBA provides an international community for those interested in Bayesian analysis and its applications.

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  • This site offers separate webpages about statistical topics relevant to those studying psychology such as research design, representing data with graphs, hypothesis testing, and many more elementary statistics concepts.  Homework problems are provided for each section.

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  • The goal of WISE is to provide students and teachers of statistics easy access to a wide range of resources that are freely available on the internet. We invite you to explore our website and enjoy many wonderful statistical materials from around the world.

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  • This text was written for an introductory class in Statistics suitable for students in Business, Communications, Economics, Psychology, Social Science, or liberal arts; that is, this is the first and last class in Statistics for most students who take it. It also covers logic and reasoning at a level suitable for a general education course.  SticiGui provides text, interactive tools, lecture videos, sample exam reviews, and more for a course in basic statistical concepts.  

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  • A joke to be used in discussing the role and tools of epidemiology in studying infectious diseases.  The joke was written in 2018 by Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso.

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  • The Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit distributes a periodic electronic newsletter, StatNews. This newsletter discusses applications of statistics that are commonly encountered in research and teaching.

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