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Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 1621 - 1630 of 2220
  • This dataset comes from a study on 200 rats (100 of each gender) which were given one of 5 treatments, and then allowed to mate. At delivery, information on the pups was collected, and a sample of 8 pups (4 of each gender) was chosen from each litter. Body weights for these pups were recorded once a week for three weeks. Questions this study focused on refer to the safety of the treatments. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This collection of datasets comes from several phases of drug research. Each dataset comes with a full description and questions to answer from the data.
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  • This module discusses the probability of an event and relative frequency. The applet shows how empirical probability converges to theoretical probability as the sample size increases. The follow-up example includes an applet that simulates drawing differently colored balls from an urn.
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  • This page provides a table for selecting an appropriate statistical method based on type of data and what information is desired from the data. It also compares parametric and nonparametric tests, one-sided and two-sided p-values, paired and unpaired tests, Fisher's test and the Chi-square test, and regression and correlation. It comes from Chapter 37 of the textbook, "Intuitive Biostatistics".
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  • This lesson poses a series of questions designed to challenge students' possible misconceptions of statistical inference and hypothesis testing. The lesson uses the statistical software, Fathom, and three datasets with information on the number of chips per canister distributed by a snack maker. The data can found at the relation address below.
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  • This applet allows students to explore three methods for measuring "goodness of fit" of a linear model. Users can manipulate both the data and the regression line to see changes in the square error, the absolute error, and the shortest distance from the data point to the regression line.
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  • This textbook for medical statistics covers many topics such as: Data display and summary; Mean and standard deviation; Populations and samples; Statements of probability and confidence intervals; Differences between means: type I and type II errors and power; Differences between percentages and paired alternatives; The t tests; The chi-squared tests; Exact probabilty test; Rank score tests; Correlation and regression; Survival analysis; Study design and choosing a statistical test.
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  • This collection of datasets, posted by UCLA, is divided into 6 groups: Datasets for Teaching; Data from Books; Data from Consulting Projects; Data from National Statistics Agencies; Social Science Data Archives; Data from US Governmental Agencies. The data from books come from the following authors: Petruccelli, Nandram and Chen; Freedman, Pisani, and Purves; Andrews and Herzberg; Carlson and Thorn; Cox and Snell; Hand, Daly, Lunn, McConway and Ostrowski; and Moore.
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  • This site contains links to journals on probability and statistics published around the world. "Some publishers require registration to browse abstracts. Others require a current subscription to the journal by you or your institution. Most browsable titles, abstracts and papers are only for the past year or so."
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  • This applet was designed to illustrate the impact on simple linear regression output caused by adding a new data point. The applet simulates data and provides a graphical display of the data points and fitted regression line as well as the updated regression line after the addition of a data point.
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