Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 1481 - 1490 of 2224
  • When the weather predicts 30 percent chance of rain, rain is twice as likely as when 60 percent chance is predicted. A quote by American author Thomas Parry (1947 - ) found in "The Official Explanations" by Paul Dickson. The quote also appears in Statistically Speaking: A dictionary of quotations compiled by Carl Gaither and Alma Cavazos-Gaither.
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  • A cartoon for teaching about the key caveats of correlation and regression. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
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  • A cartoon for teaching about the interpretation of basic summary statistics. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 4 (1 vote)
  • A cartoon using a classic example for teaching the idea that correlation does not imply causation. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl and Deb Rumsey (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 4 (1 vote)
  • A cartoon to teach how it is important to look at variation, not just averages. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 4.5 (2 votes)
  • He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts ... for support rather than illumination. A quote attributed to scottish writer Andrew Lang (1844-1912) in Evan Esar's "The Dictionary of Humerous Quotations". Dell Publishing, 1943. The quote also appears in "Statistically Speaking: A dictionary of quotations" compiled by Carl Gaither and Alma Cavazos-Gaither.
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  • Song calls for the importance of chance, juxtaposed a variety of statistical terms. May be sung to the tune of "Give Peace a Chance" (John Lennon). Musical accompaniment realization and vocals are by Joshua Lintz from University of Texas at El Paso.
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  • Asked about the power of advertising in research surveys, most agree that it works, but not on them. A quote by British Journalist and author Eric Clark from his book "The Want Makers: Inside the World of Advertising", Penguin Books (1988) page 13.
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  • This NSF funded project provides worksheets and laboratories for introductory statistics. The overview page contains links to 9 worksheets that can be done without technology, which address the topics of obtaining data, summarizing data, probability, regression and correlation, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. The page also contains twelve laboratories that require the use of technology. Data sets are provided in Minitab format.
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  • This text based website provides an explanation of some coincidences that are often discussed. It gives an explanation of the birthday problem along with a graphic display of the probability of birthday matches vs. the number of people included. It also discussess other popular coincidences such as the similarities between John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. It goes on to discuss steaks of heads and tails along with random features of stocks and the stock market prices.
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