Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 561 - 570 of 588
  • This resource presents population, housing, economic, and geographic data. (U.S. Census Bureau)
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  • This site contains materials to help teach a Chance course. It includes a newsletter, videos and audios, teaching aids, and other related Internet sources.
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  • This resource is a collection of links for students and teachers of statistics. For students, it includes links to find statistical data. For teachers, it includes links to assist in statistics instruction.
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  • This one-page document gives some helpful tips about the first day of class. It gives short advice on creating a first impression, establishing rapport, clarifying expectations, collecting information and building excitement.
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  • This one-page document gives advice on how to construct and give exams. It focuses on making exams a positive experience for both instructors and students. It is written by Rich Felder an expert in Engineering education.
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  • This one-page document gives advice on how to handle large classes. Specific items it examines include creating an interactive lecture, handing out of class assignments, and miscellaneous tips. It is written by Rich Felder an expert in Engineering education.
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  • This applet allows students to manipulate a histogram and observe changes in the mean and median. The site includes links to exercises and descriptions of measures of center and spread.
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  • This entry in the online encyclopeida, Wikipedia, describes Markov Chains, their properties, discrete state spaces, and formulas for calculating probabilities using Markov Chains. Links to examples and scientific applications are also included.
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  • This site describes in detail 5 different types of random sampling, giving examples, definitions, and procedures.
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  • This worksheet gives students 4 excercises in designing a case study. Each exercise presents a difference scenario and asks a series of questions about study design.
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