Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 491 - 500 of 588
  • This online, interactive lesson on special distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets covering normal, gamma, chi-square, student t, F, bivariate normal, multivariate normal, beta, weibull, zeta, pareto, logistic, lognormal, and extreme value distributions.
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  • This site gives a definition and an example of histograms.
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  • This site links to the article "Use of R as a Toolbox for Mathematical Statistics Exploration," to activities demonstrating the use of R programming language, and to the site where users can download R. Activities cover the following topics: calculation of a running variance, maximization of a non-linear function, resampling of a statistic, simple Bayesian modeling, sampling from multivariate normal, and estimation of power.
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  • This site give a definition and an example of boxplots. Topics include outliers, medians, as well as lower and upper quartiles.
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  • This website provides lesson plans, activities, a problem bank, and links to references that meet NCTM standards for probability.
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  • This section of the Engineering Statistics Handbook describes in detail the process of choosing an experimental design to obtain the results you need. The basic designs an engineer needs to know about are described in detail.
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  • The GAISE project was funded by a Strategic Initiative Grant from ASA in 2003 to develop ASA-endorsed guidelines for assessment and instruction in statistics in the K-12 curriculum and for the introductory college statistics course.
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  • A collection of links to video workshops for students in mathematics. Includes many topics from statistics to math and science to algebra.
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  • A good resource for problems in statistics in engineering. Contains some applets, and good textual examples related to engineering. Some topics include Monte Carlo method, Central Limit Theorem, Risk, Logistic Regression, Generalized Linear .Models, and Confidence.
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  • This site briefly defines several different types of sampling methods, contrasts probability and nonprobability sampling, and discusses target population. Part of a tutorial on questionnaire and survey design.
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