Resource Library

Statistical Topic

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  • CAST contains three complete introductory statistics courses, one advanced statistical methods course, and additional modules. Each introductory course presents the same topics, but with different applications. The first is a general version, the second is a biometric version with examples relating to biological, agricultural and health sciences, and the third is a business version. Each course comes in a student version and a lecture version. The additional modules cover Multiple and Nonlinear Regression, Quality Control, and Simulation. Registration is required, but free. Individuals or classes can register.
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  • This applet introduces the concept of confidence intervals. Select an alpha level, sample size, and the number of experiments, and click "Play." For each sample, the applet will show the data points as blue dots and the confidence interval as a red, vertical line. The true population mean is shown as a horizontal purple line, and green ovals indicate which intervals do not contain the true mean.
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  • This page provides a table of Chi-square distribution probabilities with degress of freedom 1-45.
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  • This table shows the critical values values of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistics (Us) for various sample sizes (N1 and N2) and p-values (p).
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  • This is the homepage for the Reserve Bank of Australia. Browse data by Alphabetical Index of Statistics, Statistics by Frequency of Publication, or Bulletin Statistical Tables.
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  • This webpage presents three new datasets to accompany the book "A Casebook for a First Course in Statistics and Data Analysis" by Chatterjee, Handcock and Simonoff. The datasets address salaries of major league baseball players, state aid to Nassau County public schools, and the success of teams in the National Hockey League, 1995-1996. The datasets are available in Minitab, Text, and Statistix 4 format.
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  • This page from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides data and statistics on Inflation & Consumer Spending, Wages, Earnings, & Benefits, Productivity, Safety & Health, International Labor, Occupations, and Demographics. Data is in Excel, html, or pdf format.
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  • This tutorial introduces the statistical software SPSS for Windows users. Topics covered include: The Basics, Data, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square & T-tests, Correlations & Regression, Oneway ANOVA, Factorial ANOVA.
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  • This scatterplot lets users plot a number of demographic variables and see the log transformation of those variables for numerous countries and income groups. Users can also see the information for any year from 1975 to 2004.
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  • This applet allows users to run experiments such as Ball and Urn, Buffon's Needle, Craps, Monty Hall, and many more. Select an experiment from the drop down menu and click "About" to read its description. Then, set the parameter values. Set the sample size using the "Update" box and the number of samples using the "Stop" box. The single arrow button takes one sample and the double arrow button takes the number of samples selected. Graphs of the theoretical and empirical distributions are shown. Requires JAVA
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