Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 581 - 590 of 663
  • This is a basic web application that allows practice with matching points on a scatterplot to the appropriate correlation coefficient, r. Applet provides four scatterplots to match with four numeric correlations via radio buttons. After making selections, students click to see "correct" answers and keep a running total of proportion of correct matches, then may select four more plots.
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  • This site offers a collection of applets in which standard topics of statistics and probability are presented in a novel and visual way using computer animated images. Topics include dependence, independence, conditional probabilities, expectation and variance, normal, exponential, Poisson distributions, law of large numbers and the central limit theorem, hypothesis testing maximum likelihood estimation, sampling, chi-square tests, and the construction of confidence intervals.
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  • This Java based applet gives students an opportunity to work through confidence interval problems for the mean. The material provides written word problems in which an individual must be able to correctly identify the given parts for a confidence interval calculation, and then be able to use this information to find the confidence interval. It gives step by step prompts to encourage students to choose the correct numbers and "cast of characters".
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  • This applet is a probabilistic study of picking fortunes from a limited supply of fortune cookies. The student will try to answer how many cookies he/she has to eat to have a 50/50 chance of reading all the fortunes.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on Bernoulli provides examples, exercises, and applets that cover binomial, geometric, negative binomial, and multinomial distributions.
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  • This applet is a probabilistic study of picking prizes from an unlimited supply of cereal boxes. The applet helps to answer how many boxes of cereal need to be purchased to have a 50/50 chance of getting all the prizes.
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  • This site provides a collection of applets and their descriptions. Some of the titles include the Monte Carlo Estimation of Pi, Can You Beat Randomness?, One-Dimensional Random Walk, Two-Dimensional Random Walk, The Anthill and Molecular Motion, Diffusion Limited Aggregation, The Self-Avoiding Walk, Fractal Coastlines, and Forest Fires and Percolation.
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  • This is the description and instructions for the Monte Carlo Estimation of Pi applet. It is a simulation of throwing darts at a figure of a circle inscribed in a square. It shows the relationship between the geometry of the figure and the statistical outcome of throwing the darts.
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  • This is the description and instructions for the Can You Beat Randomness?- The Lottery Game applet. It is a simulation of flipping coins. Students are asked to make conjectures about randomness and how certain strategies affect randomness. It strives to show the "growth of order out of randomness."
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  • This is the description and instructions for the One-Dimensional Random Walk applet. This Applet relates random coin-flipping to random motion. It strives to show that randomness (coin-flipping) leads to some sort of predictable outcome (the bell-shaped curve).
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