Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 661 - 663 of 663
  • This comprehensive collection of calculators provides users with resources for everything from introductory statistics to advanced statistical methods. Users can search by the following categories: Dictionaries, Courses with Calculators and Applets, Courses All Inclusive, and Statistics A-Z. Users can also search by the following statistical specialties: Agriculture, ANOVA, ANCOVA, Bayesian, Economics, Employment, Health, Information & Library Science, Psychology, Reliability Modeling, Research: Marketing and Opinion, Sampling Analysis, and SAS.
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  • This tutorial illustrates the basic principles of the Central Limit Theorem and enhances conceptual understand of why the Central Limit Theorem is important to inferential statistics.
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  • This tutorial takes the learner step-by-step in applying descriptive and inferential statistics using a real world situation.
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