Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 591 - 600 of 663
  • This is the description and instructions for the One-Dimensional Random Walk applet. This Applet relates random coin-flipping to random motion. It strives to show that randomness (coin-flipping) leads to some sort of predictable outcome (the bell-shaped curve).
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  • This is the description and instructions for the Two-Dimensional Random Walk applet. This Applet relates random coin-flipping to random motion but in more than one direction (dimension). It covers mean squared distance in the discussion.
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  • The first chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course. Two lecture notes and a set of overheads are provided. Additionally, links for additional reading and exercises with solutions are provided.
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  • The ninth chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course. Lecture notes and links for futher reading are provided.
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  • An online Introduction to Biostatistics course complete with lecture notes and links for futher reading, links to applets, and exercises with solutions given.
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  • This applet simulates a probability tree diagram. Step 1: Click inside the appropriate box on the desired level to build the tree. Step 2: Click on "Set Probabilities" at the top. Step 3. When you enter the respective probabilities, you must hit the ENTER key after each one. Step 4: Once all of the probabilities have been set (they should be blue), click "Final Tree" Step 5: Click "Simulation".
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  • The larger the degrees of freedom, the closer the t-density is to the normal density. This reflects the fact that the standard deviation s approaches for large sample size n. You can visualize this in the given applet by moving the sliders.
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  • A series of pamphlets place online by the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section. Each pamphlet deals with a different aspect of survey research and how it is done.
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  • This website lists five different types of probability sampling, giving the advantages and disadvantages of each.
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  • This article addresses the reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies in order to aid authors, reviewers, editors and readers when reading or writing such reports.
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