This is the description and instructions for the Two-Dimensional Random Walk applet. This Applet relates random coin-flipping to random motion but in more than one direction (dimension). It covers mean squared distance in the discussion.
The first chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course. Two lecture notes and a set of overheads are provided. Additionally, links for additional reading and exercises with solutions are provided.
An online Introduction to Biostatistics course complete with lecture notes and links for futher reading, links to applets, and exercises with solutions given.
This applet simulates a probability tree diagram. Step 1: Click inside the appropriate box on the desired level to build the tree. Step 2: Click on "Set Probabilities" at the top. Step 3. When you enter the respective probabilities, you must hit the ENTER key after each one. Step 4: Once all of the probabilities have been set (they should be blue), click "Final Tree" Step 5: Click "Simulation".
The larger the degrees of freedom, the closer the t-density is to the normal density. This reflects the fact that the standard deviation s approaches for large sample size n. You can visualize this in the given applet by moving the sliders.
A series of pamphlets place online by the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section. Each pamphlet deals with a different aspect of survey research and how it is done.
This article addresses the reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies in order to aid authors, reviewers, editors and readers when reading or writing such reports.
This JAVA applet is designed to give students practice in calculating basic probabilities using the binomial distribution. The applet gives students short problem descriptions that require a binomial probability to solve. The user is then prompted to follow a step by step process to find the probability. Users must answer a step correctly before the applet will allow them to move on to the next step. The page also gives further exercises that allow the user to think about binomial distributions more deeply and gives a link to a more detailed information about the binomial distribution.