Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 551 - 560 of 662
  • This site is a glossary of statisical terms searchable by topic or in alphabetical order. Topics include: Basic Definitions, Presenting Data, Sampling, Probability, Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing, Paired Data, Correlation and Regression, Design of Experiments and ANOVA, Categorical Data, Non-parametric Methods, and Time Series Data.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on foundations provides examples, exercises, and applets which review the algebra of sets and functions, general relations with special emphasis on equivalence relations and partial orders, and some basic combinatorial structures such as permuations and combinations.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on games of chance provides examples, exercises, and applets which include Poker, Poker dice, Chuck-a-Luck, Craps, Roulette, The Monty Hall Problem, lotteries, and Red and Black.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets which explore the basic types of probability distributions and the ways distributions can be defined using density functions, distribution functions, and quantile functions.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on expected value provides examples, exercises, and applets in which students will explore relationships between the expected value of real-valued random variables and the center of the distribution. Students will also examine how expected values can be used to measure spread and correlation.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on special distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets covering normal, gamma, chi-square, student t, F, bivariate normal, multivariate normal, beta, weibull, zeta, pareto, logistic, lognormal, and extreme value distributions.
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  • This applet allows you to experience the fate of a gambler by simulating the whole gambling session in a matter of seconds. The applet plots the successive rises and falls of the capital during the whole duration of the game. It also displays the maximum and minimum values attained by the capital during the session and allows you to get precise information (by clicking at a point of the histogram) of the amount of capital after that particular bet.
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  • This page has links to an explanation of the applet and to the applet itself. It is a simulation of the T.V. game show. There are three doors to choose from and after making a choice, one of the other doors is revealed. The player can choose to pick the other unopened door or stay with their original choice. Afterwards the statistics of previous contestants are shown. (Note: the applet statistics are inaccurate)
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  • This is a collection of applets including Let's Make A Deal, Let's Make a Deal II, Monkey Words, Entropy, Vigenere, Rectangular Transposition, and Monoalphabetic Substitution.
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  • This applet doesn't have more explanation than - Let's Make a Deal II- An applet to demo at the UCLA conference. It has statistics for a number of tries at a time with choices for whether or not the host knows what is behind the door and whether or not the contestant switches doors after primary choice.
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