This site describes what to do with data sets instead of simply presenting theory and methods as they appear in standard textbooks. It emphasizes statistical practices.
The ICPSR provides access to a large repository of social science and political data. Data sets can be constructed and downloaded for use in most popular statistical packages.
This page has data sets used by UCLA statistics classes. The html files in the second column contain descriptions of a particular data set and a link to the data at the end of the file. There are also .dat and .dta files that contain just data, with no description.
This module contains discussions on t-test, ANOVA, correlation, two-way factorial ANOVA, regression, chi-squared, and distributions and provides links to a variety of activities relevant to the discussions.
This module contains discussions on two and three dimensional graphs, histograms, scatterplots, boxplots, and data visualization, and provides links to a variety of relevant activities.
The Journal of Statistics Education has published this collection of datasets and related articles describing their use, submitted by faculty members from numerous institutions. Data is in .dat format.
This collection is organized as discussions and activities in the subjects of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, graphical analysis, and TI-83 and Excel guides. It also includes a section of quizzes. Key Words: Mean; Median; Mode; Normal Distribution; Skewed Distribution; Range; Standard Deviation; Confidence Interval; T-Test; ANOVA; Correlation; Regression; Chi-Square; Probability Distributions; Histograms; Scatterplots; Boxplot.
In this activity, students will calculate the mean, median, and mode of the salaries for the Angels and the Orioles baseball players. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions. The data exists in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
In this activity, students will perform a two-way ANOVA to determine if there is a difference in the amount of pressure (in Mpa) it takes to break two different types of laminated composites under wet or dry conditions. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
This interactive tutorial on Basic Probability helps students understand the basic concepts of probability, define independent and compound events, use the basic properties of probability, understand the concept of conditional probability, and solve exercise problems using basic probability.