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Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 351 - 360 of 662
  • This resource explains Multiple Regression and concepts associated with it. Key Words: Predicted values; Residuals; Dummy Variables; Interaction Effects; T-Test; Regression Coefficients; Correlation; Partial Correlation; R-Squared; Adjusted R-Squared; Multicollinearity; Variance-Inflation Factors; Transformation; Cook's Distance; Validity; Durbin-Watson Coefficient.
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  • This page provides links to distribution calculators, conceptual demonstration applets, statistical tables, online data analysis packages, function and image-processing tools, and other online computing resources. Key Words: Binomial; Normal; Exponential; Chi-Square; Geometric; Hypergeometric; Negative Binomial; Poisson; Student's T; F-Distribution; Wilcoxon Rank-Sum; Central Limit Theorem; Regression; Normal Approximation to Poisson; Confidence Intervals; Hypothesis Tests; Power; Sample-Size; ANOVA; Galton's Board; Function Plots; Edge Detection; Image Warping & Stretching; Polynomial Model Fitting; Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Statistic.
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  • This page contains links to 5 review sheets with formulas, properties, definitions and rules for basic descriptive and inferential statistics and probability concepts. The review pages are in pdf format. Key Words: Hypothesis Testing, ANOVA, Descriptive Statistics, Regression, Correlation, Nonparametric Tests, Probability Distributions, Counting, Central Limit Theorem.
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  • This resource explains the t-distribution and hypothesis testing (informally) using an example on laptop quality.
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  • This dataset comes from a study on 200 rats (100 of each gender) which were given one of 5 treatments, and then allowed to mate. At delivery, information on the pups was collected, and a sample of 8 pups (4 of each gender) was chosen from each litter. Body weights for these pups were recorded once a week for three weeks. Questions this study focused on refer to the safety of the treatments. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study on two treatment sequences (AB, BA) given to 14 healthy male volunteers randomly assigned to a two-period crossover design. Three pharmacokinetic variables were collected on the subjects at the end of each treatment period. Questions this study focused on refer to whether the treatments (A,B)are equivalent. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study on drug treatments of reflux disease patients. Twelve patients were assigned to a four period crossover design, and data on their disease symptoms were collected after treatment. Questions this study focused on refer to dosage of the drug. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study on pregnant rats. Forty rats were given 4 doses of a drug, and data on their fetuses were collected. Questions this study focused on refer to the relationship between dosage of the drug and gender of the fetus. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This module discusses the history and importance of the normal distribution, as well as normal moments, the standard normal distribution, normal probabilities, Z-Scores, and normal quantiles. The applet allows users to compute normal probabilities and quantiles. Three follow-up examples cover cholesterol, male heights, and mean temperatures for various cities in South Carolina.
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  • This dataset comes from a study on rats swimming in a T-shaped maze. Rats were given 4 doses of a drug, and their resulting pups swam the maze until they successfully escaped it 3 consecutive times. Questions from this study refer to the dosage of the drug, the number of swims until 3 consecutive successful escapes, and gender differences. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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